NoneNEW YORK (AP) — The founder and former CEO of the failed cryptocurrency lending platform Celsius Network could face decades in prison after pleading guilty Tuesday to federal fraud charges, admitting that he misled customers about the business. Alexander Mashinsky , 58, of Manhattan, entered the plea in New York federal court to commodities and securities fraud. He admitted illegally manipulating the price of Celsius’s proprietary crypto token while secretly selling his own tokens at inflated prices to pocket about $48 million before Celsius collapsed into bankruptcy in 2022. In court, he admitted that in 2021 he publicly suggested there was regulatory consent for the company’s moves because he knew that customers “would find false comfort” with that. And he said that in 2019, he was selling the crypto tokens even though he told the public that he was not. He said he knew customers would draw false comfort from that too. “I accept full responsibility for my actions,” Mashinsky said of crimes that stretched from 2018 to 2022 as the company pitched itself to customers as a modern-day bank where they could safely deposit crypto assets and earn interest. RELATED COVERAGE President-elect Donald Trump’s lawyers urge judge to toss his hush money conviction Dark comedy ‘A Different Man’ surprisingly triumphs at Gotham Awards Harvey Weinstein hospitalized after ‘alarming blood test,’ attorney says U.S. Attorney Damian Williams said in a release that Mashinsky “orchestrated one of the biggest frauds in the crypto industry” as his company’s assets purportedly grew to about $25 billion at its peak, making it one of the largest crypto platforms in the world. He said Mashinsky used catchy slogans like “Unbank Yourself” to entice prospective customers with a pledge that their money would be as safe in crypto accounts as money would be in a bank. Meanwhile, prosecutors said, Mashinsky and co-conspirators used customer deposits to fund market purchases of the Celsius token to prop up its value. Machinsky made tens of millions of dollars selling his own CEL tokens at artificially high prices, leaving his customers “holding the bag when the company went bankrupt,” Williams said. An indictment alleged that Mashinsky promoted Celsius through media interviews, his social media accounts and Celsius’ website, along with a weekly “Ask Mashinsky Anything” session broadcast that was posted to Celsius’ website and a YouTube channel. Celsius employees from multiple departments who noticed false and misleading statements in the sessions warned Mashinsky, but they were ignored, the indictment said. A plea agreement Mashinsky made with prosecutors calls for him to be sentenced to up to 30 years in prison and to forfeit over $48 million, which is the amount of money he allegedly made by selling his company’s token. Sentencing was scheduled for April 8.
NoneBAKU, Aserbaidschan--(BUSINESS WIRE)--Dez 11, 2024-- Xsolla, ein globales Handelsunternehmen für Videospiele, hat eine strategische Partnerschaft mit StarNest und der aserbaidschanischen Agentur für Innovation und digitale Entwicklung (IDDA) angekündigt, um die Xsolla StarNest Academy und das Inkubatorprogramm einzurichten. Diese transformative Zusammenarbeit wurde auf dem größten Gaming-Festival der Region, der Gamesummit Winter Edition 2024, in Baku (Aserbaidschan) vorgestellt. Diese Pressemitteilung enthält multimediale Inhalte. Die vollständige Mitteilung hier ansehen: https://www.businesswire.com/news/home/20241209737055/de/ (Graphic: Xsolla) Die Winter Edition 2024 des Gamesummit rückte das Wachstum der Gaming-Branche in Aserbaidschan ins Rampenlicht und bot Diskussionen über Trends, globale Best Practices und Präsentationen von lokal entwickelten Spielen. Während des Festivals stellten IDDA und Xsolla ihre Pläne vor, regionale Entwickler, Gamedesigner und Studios mit innovativen Schulungen, Inkubations- und Beschleunigungsprogrammen und Zugang zu finanziellen und technologischen Ressourcen zu unterstützen. Diese Partnerschaft wird die Rolle Aserbaidschans in der globalen Gaming-Branche neu definieren und zugleich regionale Talente und Innovationen fördern. „Aus dieser Zusammenarbeit entstehen vielfältige Möglichkeiten für die Umsetzung gemeinsamer Projekte, die die Entwicklung des Spielesektors in Aserbaidschan vorantreiben werden“, erklärt Yevgeniya Bikmurzina, Leiterin der Abteilung für Innovationsökosysteme bei der IDDA. „Aserbaidschanische Gamestudios erhalten Zugang zu den Tools und Ressourcen, die sie benötigen, um sich auf dem globalen Markt zu etablieren.“ „Bei dieser Partnerschaft handelt es sich um einen bedeutenden Meilenstein für Xsolla, da wir uns gemeinsam mit aserbaidschanischen Entscheidungsträgern dafür einsetzen werden, das Potenzial der Region zu erschließen“, kommentiert Rytis Joseph Jan, SVP of Global Strategic Partnerships bei Xsolla. „Indem wir unser globales Know-how mit der visionären Führung unserer Partner kombinieren, wollen wir die nächste Generation von Talenten in Aserbaidschan fördern und sinnvolle Innovationen mit globaler Wirkung auf den Weg bringen.“ Xsollas Incubator und Accelerator in Aserbaidschan Der Incubator und der Accelerator von Xsolla werden die Spieleentwickler-Community in Aserbaidschan unterstützen, indem sie Tools, Mentoring und Ressourcen bereitstellen, um Ideen in erfolgreiche Projekte zu überführen. In der Anfangsphase wird der Incubator Entwicklern dabei helfen, Konzepte zu verfeinern, technisches Know-how zu erwerben und mit internationalen Fachleuten zusammenzuarbeiten. Etablierte Studios werden vom Accelerator bei der Skalierung ihrer Projekte unterstützt und erhalten Zugang zu finanziellen Mitteln, Mentoren und Verbindungen zur weltweiten Branche. Diese Programme zielen darauf ab, Aserbaidschan als wichtigen Akteur in der Gaming-Branche zu positionieren und einheimischen Talenten neue Möglichkeiten zu eröffnen, um weltweit erfolgreich zu sein. Xsolla StarNest Academy Die Xsolla StarNest Academy wird 90 jungen Menschen eine Fachausbildung in der Spieleentwicklung ermöglichen. Zudem wird 2025 ein Inkubationsprogramm zur Unterstützung regionaler Gamestudios eingeführt, das Mentoring durch internationale Fachleute, Zugang zu finanziellen Ressourcen und Möglichkeiten zur weltweiten Demonstration von Spielen umfasst. StarNest, ein aserbaidschanisches Telekommunikationsunternehmen, wird sich federführend dafür einsetzen, eine geeignete Einrichtung für die Akademie zu beschaffen, die Wachstum und Lernen fördert. Die IDDA wird die strategische Aufsicht über die Initiative übernehmen, um sie mit den nationalen Zielen der aserbaidschanischen Regierung für die digitale Transformation in Einklang zu bringen. Regionaler Unternehmenssitz Außerdem prüft Xsolla verschiedenen Möglichkeiten, um seinen regionalen Hauptsitz für Zentralasien in Baku einzurichten und seine Anstrengungen für die Community und die Spieleentwickler in der Region weiter zu verstärken. Dieser wird nicht nur als regionaler Hub dienen, sondern auch als Technologiezentrum für Entwicklung und Support seiner branchenführenden Lösungen. Mit der Xsolla StarNest-Partnerschaft beginnt ein neues Kapitel für den aserbaidschanischen Gamingsektor, das von der gemeinsamen Vision geprägt wird, das Land als regionalen Marktführer in der Spieleentwicklung und digitaler Innovation zu etablieren. Diese wegweisende Zusammenarbeit schafft die Voraussetzungen dafür, dass Aserbaidschan zu einem Hub für Gaming-Innovation und Talententwicklung wird. Weitere Informationen sind verfügbar unter: xsolla.blog/azerbaijan . Über Xsolla Xsolla ist ein weltweit tätiges Unternehmen für den Handel mit Videospielen und verfügt über ein solides, leistungsstarkes Angebot an Tools und Dienstleistungen, die speziell für die Anforderungen der Branche entwickelt wurden. Seit der Gründung im Jahr 2005 hat Xsolla Tausenden von Spieleentwicklern und -publishern aller Größenordnungen geholfen, ihre Spiele weltweit und plattformübergreifend zu finanzieren, zu vermarkten, zu lancieren und zu monetarisieren. Als Innovationsführer im Handel mit Spielen verfolgen wir bei Xsolla das Ziel, die inhärenten Komplexitäten von globalem Vertrieb, Marketing und Monetarisierung zu bewältigen, und unterstützen so unsere Partner dabei, mehr geografische Gebiete zu erreichen, mehr Umsätze zu generieren und Beziehungen mit Gamern weltweit aufzubauen. Der Hauptsitz des Unternehmens befindet sich in Los Angeles, US-Bundesstaat Kalifornien, mit Niederlassungen in London, Berlin, Seoul, Peking, Kuala Lumpur, Raleigh, Tokio, Montreal und anderen Städten weltweit. Weitere Informationen finden Sie unter xsolla.com . Über die Agentur für Innovation und digitale Entwicklung (IDDA) IDDA ist eine Behörde der aserbaidschanischen Regierung, die für digitale Diplomatie und Analytik zuständig ist und Forschung, Schulungen und Beratung zur Stärkung der digitalen Präsenz von Institutionen anbietet. Sie übernimmt eine zentrale Rolle bei der Gestaltung moderner diplomatischer Strategien durch digitale Werkzeuge und Datenanalyse. Weitere Informationen unter idda.az . Über StarNest StarNest ist ein führendes aserbaidschanisches Telekommunikationsunternehmen, das Internet- und Netzwerklösungen bereitstellt, darunter Breitbanddienste, Unternehmensanschlüsse und IT-Infrastrukturunterstützung. StarNest widmet sich der Aufgabe, technologisches Wachstum und digitale Transformation in ganz Aserbaidschan zu ermöglichen. Weitere Informationen finden Sie unter starnest.io . Über GameSummit GameSummit ist eine bedeutende Organisation in Aserbaidschan mit Fokus auf die Entwicklung der Gaming-Branche. Durch Events wie die Gamesummit Winter und Summer Editions eröffnet sie Möglichkeiten für lokale Gamestudios, fördert Innovationen und sensibilisiert für Karriereperspektiven im Bereich Gaming und Esports. Weitere Informationen finden Sie unter gamesummit.ai . Die Ausgangssprache, in der der Originaltext veröffentlicht wird, ist die offizielle und autorisierte Version. Übersetzungen werden zur besseren Verständigung mitgeliefert. Nur die Sprachversion, die im Original veröffentlicht wurde, ist rechtsgültig. Gleichen Sie deshalb Übersetzungen mit der originalen Sprachversion der Veröffentlichung ab. Originalversion auf businesswire.com ansehen: https://www.businesswire.com/news/home/20241209737055/de/ CONTACT: Medienkontakt Derrick Stembridge Global Director of Public Relations, Xsolla d.stembridge@xsolla.com KEYWORD: AZERBAIJAN ASIA PACIFIC INDUSTRY KEYWORD: TECHNOLOGY ELECTRONIC GAMES PAYMENTS FINANCE ENTERTAINMENT FINTECH PROFESSIONAL SERVICES SOFTWARE TRAINING EDUCATION SOURCE: Xsolla Copyright Business Wire 2024. PUB: 12/11/2024 02:47 PM/DISC: 12/11/2024 02:47 PM http://www.businesswire.com/news/home/20241209737055/de
Namibia will have its first female leader after VP wins presidential election for the ruling party
Published 5:58 pm Tuesday, December 3, 2024 By Data Skrive Wednesday’s college basketball slate includes two games with a ranked team in play. Among those contests is the Oklahoma Sooners taking on the Louisville Cardinals. Watch women’s college basketball, other live sports and more on Fubo. What is Fubo? Fubo is a streaming service that gives you access to your favorite live sports and shows on demand. Use our link to sign up for a free trial. Catch tons of live women’s college basketball , plus original programming, with ESPN+ or the Disney Bundle.Stock market today: Wall Street gains ground as it notches a winning week and another Dow recordHOUSTON (AP) — An elaborate parody appears to be behind an effort to resurrect Enron, the Houston-based energy company that exemplified the worst in American corporate fraud and greed after it went bankrupt in 2001. If its return is comedic, some former employees who lost everything in Enron’s collapse aren’t laughing. “It’s a pretty sick joke and it disparages the people that did work there. And why would you want to even bring it back up again?” said former Enron employee Diana Peters, who represented workers in the company’s bankruptcy proceedings. Here’s what to know about the history of Enron and the purported effort to bring it back. Once the nation’s seventh-largest company, Enron filed for bankruptcy protection on Dec. 2, 2001, after years of accounting tricks could no longer hide billions of dollars in debt or make failing ventures appear profitable. The energy company's collapse put more than 5,000 people out of work, wiped out more than $2 billion in employee pensions and rendered $60 billion in Enron stock worthless. Its aftershocks were felt throughout the energy sector. Twenty-four Enron executives , including former CEO Jeffrey Skilling , were eventually convicted for their roles in the fraud. Enron founder Ken Lay’s convictions were vacated after he died of heart disease following his 2006 trial. On Monday — the 23rd anniversary of the bankruptcy filing — a company representing itself as Enron announced in a news release that it was relaunching as a “company dedicated to solving the global energy crisis.” It also posted a video on social media, advertised on at least one Houston billboard and a took out a full-page ad in the Houston Chronicle In the minute-long video that was full of generic corporate jargon, the company talks about “growth” and “rebirth.” It ends with the words, “We’re back. Can we talk?” Enron's new website features a company store, where various items featuring the brand's tilted “E” logo are for sale, including a $118 hoodie. In an email, company spokesperson Will Chabot said the new Enron was not doing any interviews yet, but that "We’ll have more to share soon.” Signs point to the comeback being a joke. In the “terms of use and conditions of sale” on the company's website, it says “the information on the website about Enron is First Amendment protected parody, represents performance art, and is for entertainment purposes only.” Documents filed with the U.S. Patent and Trademark Office show that College Company, an Arkansas-based LLC, owns the Enron trademark. The co-founder of College Company is Connor Gaydos, who helped create a joke conspiracy theory that claims all birds are actually surveillance drones for the government. Peters said that since learning about the “relaunch” of Enron, she has spoken with several other former employees and they are also upset by it. She said the apparent stunt was “in poor taste.” “If it’s a joke, it’s rude, extremely rude. And I hope that they realize it and apologize to all of the Enron employees,” Peters said. Peters, who is 74 years old, said she is still working in information technology because “I lost everything in Enron, and so my Social Security doesn’t always take care of things I need done.” “Enron’s downfall taught us critical lessons about corporate ethics, accountability, and the consequences of unchecked ambition. Enron’s legacy was the employees in the trenches. Leave Enron buried,” she said. This story was corrected to fix the spelling of Ken Lay’s first name, which had been misspelled “Key.” Follow Juan A. Lozano on X at https://x.com/juanlozano70
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Company invites individual and institutional investors, as well as advisors and analysts, to attend online at VirtualInvestorConferences.com VANCOUVER, British Columbia, Dec. 03, 2024 (GLOBE NEWSWIRE) -- Revolve Renewable Power Corp. (TSXV: REVV) (OTCQB: REVVF) (" Revolve ” or the " Company ”), a North American owner, operator and developer of renewable energy projects, is pleased to announce that CEO Myke Clark will present live at the Small Cap Growth Virtual Investor Conference hosted by VirtualInvestorConferences.com, on December 5 th , 2024. DATE : December 5 th TIME: 11:30am ET LINK: https://bit.ly/3Yknp3z Mr. Clark is also available for 1x1 meetings. Mr. Clark will provide an update on Revolve's renewable energy project pipeline and corporate catalysts, including: It is recommended that online investors pre-register and run the online system check to expedite participation and receive event updates. Learn more about the event at www.virtualinvestorconferences.com . For further information contact: Myke Clark, CEO [email protected] 778-372-8499 Revolve was formed in 2012 to capitalize on the growing global demand for renewable power. Revolve develops utility-scale wind, solar, hydro and battery storage projects in the US, Canada and Mexico. The Company has a second division, Revolve Renewable Business Solutions which installs and operates sub 20MW "behind the meter” distributed generation (or "DG”) assets. Revolve's portfolio includes the following: Going forward, Revolve is targeting 5,000MW of utility-scale projects under development in the US, Canada and Mexico, and in parallel is rapidly growing its portfolio of revenue-generating DG assets. Non-IFRS Measures This press release refers to certain non-IFRS measures including Earnings before Interest, Taxes, Depreciation and Amortization ("EBITDA”). Non-IFRS measures and industry metrics do not have a standardized meaning prescribed by IFRS and are therefore unlikely to be comparable to similar measures presented by other companies. These measures are provided as additional information to complement IFRS measures by providing further understanding of our results of operations from management's perspective. Accordingly, these measures should not be considered in isolation nor as a substitute for analysis of our financial information reported under IFRS. The term EBITDA consists of net loss or gain and excludes interest, taxes, depreciation and amortization. The most directly comparable measure to EBITDA calculated in accordance with IFRS is net gain or net loss . The term EBITDA margin consists of the percentage of net loss or gain and excludes interest, taxes, depreciation and amortization. These measures, have limitations, and are provided in addition to, and not as an alternative for, and should be read in conjunction with, the information contained in our financial statements prepared in accordance with GAAP (including the notes), included in our filings on SEDAR+ at sedarplus.ca and posted on our website. Financial Projections The Company's financial projections are inherently speculative and may prove to be inaccurate. Any financial projections provided in this press release have been prepared in good faith based upon the estimates and assumptions considered reasonable by management. However, projections are no more than estimates of possible events and should not be relied upon to predict the results that the Company may attain. Future oriented financial information in this press release includes statements with respect to forecasted revenues and EBITDA that are expected to be generated by the Project. There is a risk that the assumptions related to these revenue and EBITDA forecasts may not be met and that the Project will not meet the conditions to start construction. The projections are based upon several estimates and assumptions and have not been examined, reviewed or compiled by independent accountants or other third-party experts, including assumptions with respect to the anticipated expenses and future revenues from the Project. These assumptions may vary from the actual results. Accordingly, there is no assurance that future events will correspond to management's assumptions for the Project. Any variations of actual results from projections related to the Project may be material and adverse. Future-oriented financial information and financial outlooks, as with forward-looking information generally, are, without limitation, based on the reasonable assumptions of the Company and management as at the date hereof. Our actual financial position and results of operations and the Project may differ materially from management's current expectations and, as a result, our revenue, profitability, EBITDA may differ materially from any revenue, and profitability profiles provided in this press release. Such information is presented for illustrative purposes only and may not be an indication of our actual financial position or results of operations. Revolve does not provide reconciliations for forward-looking non-GAAP financial measures as Revolve is unable to provide a meaningful or accurate calculation or estimation of reconciling items and the information is not available without unreasonable effort. This is due to the inherent difficulty of forecasting the timing or number of various events that have not yet occurred, are out of Revolve's control and/or cannot be reasonably predicted, and that would impact the most directly comparable forward-looking GAAP financial measure. For these same reasons, Revolve is unable to address the probable significance of the unavailable information. Forward-looking non-GAAP financial measures may vary materially from the corresponding GAAP financial measures. Forward Looking Information The forward-looking statements contained in this news release constitute ''forward-looking information'' within the meaning of applicable securities laws in each of the provinces and territories of Canada and the respective policies, regulations and rules under such laws and ''forward-looking statements'' within the meaning of the U.S. Private Securities Litigation Reform Act of 1995 (collectively, ''forward-looking statements”). The words "will”, "expects”, "estimates”, "projections”, "forecast”, "intends”, "anticipates”, "believes”, "targets” (and grammatical variations of such terms) and similar expressions are often intended to identify forward-looking statements, although not all forward-looking statements contain these identifying words. Forward looking statements in this press release include statements with respect to the proposed acquisition of the Project. This forward-looking information and other forward-looking information are based on our opinions, estimates and assumptions considering our experience and perception of historical trends, current conditions and expected future developments, as well as other factors that we currently believe are appropriate and reasonable in the circumstances. Despite a careful process to prepare and review the forward-looking information, there can be no assurance that the underlying opinions, estimates and assumptions will prove to be correct. Material factors underlying forward-looking information and management's expectations include: the receipt of applicable regulatory approvals; the absence of material adverse regulatory decisions being received and the expectation of regulatory stability; the absence of any material equipment breakdown or failure; availability of financing on commercially reasonable terms and the stability of credit ratings of the Company and its subsidiaries; the absence of unexpected material liabilities or uninsured losses; the continued availability of commodity supplies and stability of commodity prices; the absence of interest rate increases or significant currency exchange rate fluctuations; the absence of significant operational, financial or supply chain disruptions or liability, including relating to import controls and tariffs; the continued ability to maintain systems and facilities to ensure their continued performance; the absence of a severe and prolonged downturn in general economic, credit, social or market conditions; the successful and timely development and construction of new projects; the absence of capital project or financing cost overruns; sufficient liquidity and capital resources; the continuation of long term weather patterns and trends; the absence of significant counterparty defaults; the continued competitiveness of electricity pricing when compared with alternative sources of energy; the realization of the anticipated benefits of the Company's acquisitions and joint ventures; the absence of a change in applicable laws, political conditions, public policies and directions by governments, materially negatively affecting the Company; the ability to obtain and maintain licenses and permits; maintenance of adequate insurance coverage; the absence of material fluctuations in market energy prices; the absence of material disputes with taxation authorities or changes to applicable tax laws; continued maintenance of information technology infrastructure and the absence of a material breach of cybersecurity; the successful implementation of new information technology systems and infrastructure; favourable relations with external stakeholders; our ability to retain key personnel; our ability to maintain and expand distribution capabilities; and our ability to continue investing in infrastructure to support our growth. Such uncertainties and risks may include, among others, market conditions, delays in obtaining or failure to obtain required regulatory approvals in a timely fashion, or at all; the availability of financing, fluctuating prices, the possibility of project cost overruns, mechanical failure, unavailability of parts and supplies, labour disturbances, interruption in transportation or utilities, adverse weather conditions, and unanticipated costs and expenses, variations in the cost of energy or materials or supplies or environmental impacts on operations, disruptions to the Company's supply chains; changes to regulatory environment, including interpretation of production tax credits; armed hostilities and geopolitical conflicts; risks related to the development and potential development of the Company's projects; conclusions of economic evaluations; changes in project parameters as plans continue to be refined; the availability of tax incentives in connection with the development of renewable energy projects and the sale of electrical energy; as well as those factors discussed in the sections relating to risk factors discussed in the Company's continuous disclosure filings on SEDAR+ at sedarplus.ca . There can be no assurance that such statements will prove to be accurate, and actual results and future events could differ materially from those anticipated in such statements. Readers are cautioned that given these risks, undue reliance should not be placed on these forward-looking statements, which apply only as of their dates. Other than as specifically required by law, the Company undertakes no obligation to update any forward-looking statements to reflect new information, subsequent or otherwise. The Company does not intend, and expressly disclaims any intention or obligation to, update or revise any forward-looking statements whether because of new information, future events or otherwise, except as required by law. Such statements and information reflect the current view of the Company. By their nature, forward-looking statements involve known and unknown risks, uncertainties and other factors which may cause our actual results, performance or achievements, or other future events, to be materially different from any future results, performance or achievements expressed or implied by such forward-looking statements. The forward-looking information contained in this press release represents the expectations of the Company as of the date of this press release and, accordingly, is subject to change after such date. Readers should not place undue importance on forward-looking information and should not rely upon this information as of any other date. The Company does not undertake to update this information at any time except as required in accordance with applicable laws. "Neither TSX Venture Exchange nor its Regulation Services Provider (as defined in the policies of the TSX Venture Exchange) accepts responsibility for the adequacy or accuracy of this release.”
15 hurt when passenger train strikes fire truck that drove into crossing after freight train passed
BETHESDA, Md. , Dec. 11, 2024 /PRNewswire/ -- AGNC Investment Corp. (Nasdaq: AGNC) ("AGNC" or the "Company") announced today that its Board of Directors has declared cash dividends on the outstanding depositary shares 1 of the following series of preferred stock for the fourth quarter 2024: Series of Preferred Stock Ticker Per Annum Dividend Rate Dividend Per Depositary Share 1 7.00% Series C Fixed-to-Floating Rate AGNCN 10.01991% 2 $0.64016 6.875% Series D Fixed-to-Floating Rate AGNCM 9.24091% 3 $0.59039 6.50% Series E Fixed-to-Floating Rate AGNCO 9.90191% 4 $0.63262 6.125% Series F Fixed-to-Floating Rate AGNCP 6.125 % $0.3828125 7.750% Series G Fixed-Rate Reset AGNCL 7.750 % $0.48438 1. Each depositary share represents a 1/1,000th interest in a share of preferred stock. 2. The Series C Depositary Shares accrue dividends at a floating rate equal to Three-Month CME Term SOFR plus 0.26161% plus 5.111%. The dividend rate for the dividend period ending January 14, 2025 is 10.01991% per annum. 3. The Series D Depositary Shares accrue dividends at a floating rate equal to Three-Month CME Term SOFR plus 0.26161% plus 4.332%. The dividend rate for the dividend period ending January 14, 2025 is 9.24091% per annum. 4. The Series E Depositary Shares accrue dividends at a floating rate equal to Three-Month CME Term SOFR plus 0.26161% plus 4.993%. The dividend rate for the dividend period ending January 14, 2025 is 9.90191% per annum. The dividend for each series of outstanding preferred stock is payable on January 15, 2025 to holders of record as of January 1, 2025 . For further information or questions, please contact Investor Relations at (301) 968-9300 or IR@AGNC.com . ABOUT AGNC INVESTMENT CORP. Founded in 2008, AGNC Investment Corp. (Nasdaq: AGNC) is a leading investor in Agency residential mortgage-backed securities (Agency MBS), which benefit from a guarantee against credit losses by Fannie Mae, Freddie Mac, or Ginnie Mae . We invest on a leveraged basis, financing our Agency MBS assets primarily through repurchase agreements, and utilize dynamic risk management strategies intended to protect the value of our portfolio from interest rate and other market risks. AGNC has a track record of providing favorable long-term returns for our stockholders through substantial monthly dividend income, with over $13 billion of common stock dividends paid since inception. Our business is a significant source of private capital for the U.S. residential housing market, and our team has extensive experience managing mortgage assets across market cycles. To learn more about The Premier Agency Residential Mortgage REIT , please visit www.AGNC.com , follow us on LinkedIn and X , and sign up for Investor Alerts . CONTACT: Investor Relations - (301) 968-9300 View original content: https://www.prnewswire.com/news-releases/agnc-investment-corp-declares-fourth-quarter-dividends-on-preferred-stock-302329441.html SOURCE AGNC Investment Corp.
BioNTech BNTX has been analyzed by 21 analysts in the last three months, revealing a diverse range of perspectives from bullish to bearish. The following table provides a quick overview of their recent ratings, highlighting the changing sentiments over the past 30 days and comparing them to the preceding months. Bullish Somewhat Bullish Indifferent Somewhat Bearish Bearish Total Ratings 11 3 7 0 0 Last 30D 0 1 0 0 0 1M Ago 4 1 1 0 0 2M Ago 1 0 3 0 0 3M Ago 6 1 3 0 0 Analysts have set 12-month price targets for BioNTech, revealing an average target of $139.59, a high estimate of $171.44, and a low estimate of $96.00. This current average reflects an increase of 17.01% from the previous average price target of $119.30. Investigating Analyst Ratings: An Elaborate Study The standing of BioNTech among financial experts becomes clear with a thorough analysis of recent analyst actions. The summary below outlines key analysts, their recent evaluations, and adjustments to ratings and price targets. Analyst Analyst Firm Action Taken Rating Current Price Target Prior Price Target Mohit Bansal Wells Fargo Announces Overweight $170.00 - William Maughan Canaccord Genuity Raises Buy $171.44 $171.00 Jessica Fye JP Morgan Lowers Neutral $122.00 $124.00 Cory Kasimov Evercore ISI Group Raises Outperform $125.00 $110.00 John Newman Canaccord Genuity Maintains Buy $171.00 $171.00 Robert Burns HC Wainwright & Co. Maintains Buy $150.00 $150.00 John Newman Canaccord Genuity Maintains Buy $171.00 $171.00 Chris Shibutani Goldman Sachs Raises Buy $137.00 $90.00 Yaron Werber TD Cowen Lowers Hold $122.00 $132.00 Yaron Werber TD Cowen Lowers Hold $122.00 $132.00 Jessica Fye JP Morgan Lowers Neutral $124.00 $125.00 Yifeng Liu HSBC Raises Buy $136.00 $97.00 Robert Burns HC Wainwright & Co. Raises Buy $150.00 $113.00 Terence Flynn Morgan Stanley Raises Overweight $145.00 $93.00 Emmanuel Papadakis Deutsche Bank Raises Buy $150.00 $95.00 Eliana Merle UBS Raises Neutral $131.00 $97.00 Akash Tewari Jefferies Raises Buy $150.00 $96.00 Jessica Fye JP Morgan Raises Neutral $125.00 $91.00 Tazeen Ahmad B of A Securities Raises Buy $150.00 $125.00 Robert Burns HC Wainwright & Co. Maintains Buy $113.00 $113.00 Akash Tewari Jefferies Raises Hold $96.00 $90.00 Key Insights: Action Taken: Responding to changing market dynamics and company performance, analysts update their recommendations. Whether they 'Maintain', 'Raise', or 'Lower' their stance, it signifies their response to recent developments related to BioNTech. This offers insight into analysts' perspectives on the current state of the company. Rating: Analysts unravel qualitative evaluations for stocks, ranging from 'Outperform' to 'Underperform'. These ratings offer insights into expectations for the relative performance of BioNTech compared to the broader market. Price Targets: Understanding forecasts, analysts offer estimates for BioNTech's future value. Examining the current and prior targets provides insight into analysts' changing expectations. To gain a panoramic view of BioNTech's market performance, explore these analyst evaluations alongside essential financial indicators. Stay informed and make judicious decisions using our Ratings Table. Stay up to date on BioNTech analyst ratings. Delving into BioNTech's Background BioNTech is a Germany-based biotechnology company that focuses on developing cancer therapeutics, including individualized immunotherapy, as well as vaccines for infectious diseases, including covid. The company's oncology pipeline contains several classes of drugs, including mRNA-based drugs to encode antigens, neoantigens, cytokines, and antibodies; cell therapies; bispecific antibodies; and antibody-drug conjugates, or ADCs. BioNTech is partnered with several large pharmaceutical companies, including Roche, Eli Lilly, Pfizer, Sanofi, and Genmab. Covid vaccine Comirnaty is its first commercialized product. Unraveling the Financial Story of BioNTech Market Capitalization Analysis: The company's market capitalization is below the industry average, suggesting that it is relatively smaller compared to peers. This could be due to various factors, including perceived growth potential or operational scale. Revenue Growth: BioNTech's revenue growth over a period of 3 months has been noteworthy. As of 30 September, 2024, the company achieved a revenue growth rate of approximately 39.04% . This indicates a substantial increase in the company's top-line earnings. As compared to its peers, the company achieved a growth rate higher than the average among peers in Health Care sector. Net Margin: BioNTech's net margin surpasses industry standards, highlighting the company's exceptional financial performance. With an impressive 15.91% net margin, the company effectively manages costs and achieves strong profitability. Return on Equity (ROE): BioNTech's ROE stands out, surpassing industry averages. With an impressive ROE of 1.04% , the company demonstrates effective use of equity capital and strong financial performance. Return on Assets (ROA): BioNTech's financial strength is reflected in its exceptional ROA, which exceeds industry averages. With a remarkable ROA of 0.89%, the company showcases efficient use of assets and strong financial health. Debt Management: BioNTech's debt-to-equity ratio is below the industry average. With a ratio of 0.01 , the company relies less on debt financing, maintaining a healthier balance between debt and equity, which can be viewed positively by investors. Analyst Ratings: What Are They? Analysts work in banking and financial systems and typically specialize in reporting for stocks or defined sectors. Analysts may attend company conference calls and meetings, research company financial statements, and communicate with insiders to publish "analyst ratings" for stocks. Analysts typically rate each stock once per quarter. Some analysts also offer predictions for helpful metrics such as earnings, revenue, and growth estimates to provide further guidance as to what to do with certain tickers. It is important to keep in mind that while stock and sector analysts are specialists, they are also human and can only forecast their beliefs to traders. Which Stocks Are Analysts Recommending Now? Benzinga Edge gives you instant access to all major analyst upgrades, downgrades, and price targets. Sort by accuracy, upside potential, and more. Click here to stay ahead of the market . This article was generated by Benzinga's automated content engine and reviewed by an editor. © 2024 Benzinga.com. Benzinga does not provide investment advice. All rights reserved.Titans S Julius Wood suspended 6 games for PEDs
Is Enron back? If it's a joke, some former employees aren't laughingDelray Beach (US), Dec 29 (AP) A high-speed passenger train collided with a fire truck at a crossing Saturday morning in Florida, injuring three firefighters and at least a dozen train passengers, authorities said. The crash happened at 10:45 am in crowded downtown Delray Beach, multiple news outlets reported. The Brightline train was stopped on the tracks, its front destroyed, about a block away from the Delray Beach Fire Rescue truck, its ladder ripped off and strewn in the grass several yards away, The Sun-Sentinel reported. The Delray Beach Fire Rescue said in a social media post that three Delray Beach firefighters were in stable condition at a hospital. Palm Beach County Fire Rescue took 12 people from the train to the hospital with minor injuries. Emmanuel Amaral rushed to the scene on his golf cart after hearing a loud crash and screeching train brakes from where he was having breakfast a couple of blocks away. He saw firefighters climbing out of the window of their damaged truck and pulling injured colleagues away from the tracks. One of their helmets came to rest several hundred feet away from the crash. “The front of that train is completely smashed, and there was even some of the parts to the fire truck stuck in the front of the train, but it split the car right in half. It split the fire truck right in half, and the debris was everywhere,” Amaral said. Brightline officials did not immediately comment on the crash. A spokesperson for the National Transportation Safety Board said it was still gathering information about the crash and had not decided yet whether it will investigate. The NTSB is already investigating two crashes involving Brightline's high-speed trains that killed three people early this year at the same crossing along the railroad's route between Miami and Orlando. More than 100 people have died after being hit by trains since Brightline began operations in July 2017 — giving the railroad the worst death rate in the nation. But most of those deaths have been either suicides, pedestrians who tried to run across the tracks ahead of a train or drivers who went around crossing gates instead of waiting for a train to pass. Brightline has not been found to be at fault in those previous deaths. Railroad safety has been a concern since a Norfolk Southern train derailed in East Palestine, Ohio, in February 2023, spilling toxic chemicals that caught fire. Regulators urged the industry to improve safety and members of Congress proposed a package of reforms, but railroads have not made many major changes to their operations and the bill has stalled. Earlier this month the two operators of a Union Pacific train were killed after it collided with a semitrailer truck that was blocking a crossing in the small West Texas town of Pecos. Three other people were injured, and the local Chamber of Commerce building was damaged. (AP) SCY SCY (This story has not been edited by THE WEEK and is auto-generated from PTI)