Which supermarket sells the best bottle of red wine? I found out for ChristmasTORONTO , Dec. 18, 2024 /CNW/ - BMO Asset Management Inc., as manager of the BMO ETFs, and BMO Investments Inc., as manager of the BMO Mutual Funds, today announced the December 2024 cash distributions for unitholders of BMO ETFs and unitholders of ETF Series units of the BMO Mutual Funds (ETF Series) 1 that distribute monthly, quarterly and annually, as set out in the tables below. Unitholders of record of the BMO ETFs and ETF Series at the close of business on December 30, 2024 will receive cash distributions payable on January 3, 2025. The ex-dividend date and record date for all BMO ETFs and ETF Series of BMO Mutual Funds is December 30, 2024 . Details of the per unit cash distribution amount are as follows: FUND NAME TICKER CASH DISTRIBUTION PER UNIT ($) BMO Long Short Canadian Equity ETF ZLSC 0.210 BMO Long Short US Equity ETF ZLSU 0.130 BMO Aggregate Bond Index ETF ZAG 0.040 BMO BBB Corporate Bond Index ETF ZBBB 0.280 BMO Canadian Bank Income Index ETF ZBI 0.270 BMO Canadian MBS Index ETF ZMBS 0.040 BMO Clean Energy Index ETF ZCLN 0.268 BMO Corporate Bond Index ETF ZCB 0.460 BMO Discount Bond Index ETF ZDB 0.030 BMO Dow Jones Industrial Average Hedged to CAD Index ETF ZDJ 0.210 BMO Emerging Markets Bond Hedged to CAD Index ETF ZEF 0.045 BMO Equal Weight Banks Index ETF ZEB 0.140 BMO Equal Weight Global Base Metals Hedged to CAD Index ETF ZMT 0.219 BMO Equal Weight Global Gold Index ETF ZGD 0.600 BMO Equal Weight Industrials Index ETF ZIN 0.150 BMO Equal Weight Oil & Gas Index ETF ZEO 0.680 BMO Equal Weight REITs Index ETF ZRE 0.090 BMO Equal Weight US Banks Hedged to CAD Index ETF ZUB 0.185 BMO Equal Weight US Banks Index ETF ZBK 0.195 BMO Equal Weight US Health Care Hedged to CAD Index ETF ZUH 0.487 BMO Equal Weight US Health Care Index ETF ZHU 0.250 BMO Equal Weight Utilities Index ETF ZUT 0.075 BMO ESG Corporate Bond Index ETF ESGB 0.250 BMO ESG High Yield US Corporate Bond Index ETF ESGH 0.100 BMO ESG High Yield US Corporate Bond Index ETF (Hedged Units) ESGH.F 0.095 BMO ESG US Corporate Bond Hedged to CAD Index ETF ESGF 0.240 BMO Global Communications Index ETF COMM 0.120 BMO Global Consumer Discretionary Hedged to CAD Index ETF DISC 0.090 BMO Global Consumer Staples Hedged to CAD Index ETF STPL 0.140 BMO Global Infrastructure Index ETF ZGI 0.370 BMO Government Bond Index ETF ZGB 0.320 BMO High Quality Corporate Bond Index ETF ZQB 0.250 BMO High Yield US Corporate Bond Hedged to CAD Index ETF ZHY 0.056 BMO High Yield US Corporate Bond Index ETF ZJK 0.090 BMO High Yield US Corporate Bond Index ETF (USD Units)* ZJK.U 0.085 BMO Japan Index ETF ZJPN 0.160 BMO Japan Index ETF (Hedged Units) ZJPN.F 0.190 BMO Junior Gold Index ETF ZJG 0.619 BMO Laddered Preferred Share Index ETF ZPR 0.045 BMO Laddered Preferred Share Index ETF (USD Units)* ZPR.U 0.068 BMO Long Corporate Bond Index ETF ZLC 0.060 BMO Long Federal Bond Index ETF ZFL 0.033 BMO Long Provincial Bond Index ETF ZPL 0.040 BMO Long-Term US Treasury Bond Index ETF ZTL 0.290 BMO Long-Term US Treasury Bond Index ETF (Hedged Units) ZTL.F 0.300 BMO Long-Term US Treasury Bond Index ETF (USD Units)* ZTL.U 0.280 BMO Mid Corporate Bond Index ETF ZCM 0.050 BMO Mid Federal Bond Index ETF ZFM 0.028 BMO Mid Provincial Bond Index ETF ZMP 0.034 BMO Mid-Term US IG Corporate Bond Hedged to CAD Index ETF ZMU 0.042 BMO Mid-Term US IG Corporate Bond Index ETF ZIC 0.059 BMO Mid-Term US IG Corporate Bond Index ETF (USD Units)* ZIC.U 0.042 BMO Mid-Term US Treasury Bond Index ETF ZTM 0.340 BMO Mid-Term US Treasury Bond Index ETF (USD Units)* ZTM.U 0.320 BMO MSCI ACWI Paris Aligned Climate Equity Index ETF ZGRN 0.130 BMO MSCI All Country World High Quality Index ETF ZGQ 0.150 BMO MSCI Canada ESG Leaders Index ETF ESGA 0.250 BMO MSCI Canada Value Index ETF ZVC 0.210 BMO MSCI China ESG Leaders Index ETF ZCH 0.344 BMO MSCI EAFE ESG Leaders Index ETF ESGE 0.220 BMO MSCI EAFE Hedged to CAD Index ETF ZDM 0.200 BMO MSCI EAFE High Quality Index ETF ZIQ 0.022 BMO MSCI EAFE Index ETF ZEA 0.160 BMO MSCI Emerging Markets Index ETF ZEM 0.550 BMO MSCI Europe High Quality Hedged to CAD Index ETF ZEQ 0.140 BMO MSCI Global ESG Leaders Index ETF ESGG 0.150 BMO MSCI India ESG Leaders Index ETF ZID 0.143 BMO MSCI USA ESG Leaders Index ETF ESGY 0.110 BMO MSCI USA ESG Leaders Index ETF (Hedged Units) ESGY.F 0.110 BMO MSCI USA High Quality Index ETF ZUQ 0.120 BMO MSCI USA High Quality Index ETF (Hedged Units) ZUQ.F 0.080 BMO MSCI USA High Quality Index ETF (USD Units)* ZUQ.U 0.080 BMO MSCI USA Value Index ETF ZVU 0.160 BMO Nasdaq 100 Equity Hedged to CAD Index ETF ZQQ 0.538 BMO Nasdaq 100 Equity Index ETF ZNQ 0.293 BMO Nasdaq 100 Equity Index ETF (USD Units)* ZNQ.U 0.142 BMO Real Return Bond Index ETF ZRR 0.057 BMO S&P 500 Hedged to CAD Index ETF ZUE 0.200 BMO S&P 500 Index ETF ZSP 0.210 BMO S&P 500 Index ETF (USD Units)* ZSP.U 0.160 BMO S&P/TSX 60 Index ETF ZIU 0.390 BMO S&P/TSX Capped Composite Index ETF ZCN 0.230 BMO S&P US Mid Cap Index ETF ZMID 0.130 BMO S&P US Mid Cap Index ETF (Hedged Units) ZMID.F 0.130 BMO S&P US Mid Cap Index ETF (USD Units)* ZMID.U 0.130 BMO S&P US Small Cap Index ETF ZSML 0.140 BMO S&P US Small Cap Index ETF (Hedged Units) ZSML.F 0.130 BMO S&P US Small Cap Index ETF (USD Units)* ZSML.U 0.140 BMO Short Corporate Bond Index ETF ZCS 0.038 BMO Short Federal Bond Index ETF ZFS 0.025 BMO Short Provincial Bond Index ETF ZPS 0.030 BMO Short-Term Bond Index ETF ZSB 0.370 BMO Short-Term US IG Corporate Bond Hedged to CAD Index ETF ZSU 0.038 BMO Short-Term US TIPS Index ETF ZTIP 0.300 BMO Short-Term US TIPS Index ETF (Hedged Units) ZTIP.F 0.260 BMO Short-Term US TIPS Index ETF (USD Units)* ZTIP.U 0.260 BMO Short-Term US Treasury Bond Index ETF ZTS 0.300 BMO Short-Term US Treasury Bond Index ETF (USD Units)* ZTS.U 0.300 BMO US Aggregate Bond Index ETF ZUAG 0.060 BMO US Aggregate Bond Index ETF (Hedged Units) ZUAG.F 0.060 BMO US Aggregate Bond Index ETF (USD Units)* ZUAG.U 0.060 BMO US Preferred Share Hedged to CAD Index ETF ZHP 0.090 BMO US Preferred Share Index ETF ZUP 0.100 BMO US Preferred Share Index ETF (USD Units)* ZUP.U 0.098 BMO US TIPS Index ETF TIPS 0.270 BMO US TIPS Index ETF (Hedged Units) TIPS.F 0.280 BMO US TIPS Index ETF (USD Units)* TIPS.U 0.270 BMO All-Equity ETF ZEQT 0.220 BMO Balanced ESG ETF ZESG 0.180 BMO Balanced ETF ZBAL 0.220 BMO Balanced ETF (Fixed Percentage Distribution Units) ZBAL.T 0.141 BMO Canadian Banks Accelerator ETF ZEBA 0.115 BMO Canadian Dividend ETF ZDV 0.070 BMO Canadian High Dividend Covered Call ETF ZWC 0.100 BMO Conservative ETF ZCON 0.220 BMO Corporate Discount Bond ETF ZCDB 0.140 BMO Covered Call Canadian Banks ETF ZWB 0.110 BMO Covered Call Canadian Banks ETF (USD Units)* ZWB.U 0.140 BMO Covered Call Dow Jones Industrial Average Hedged to CAD ETF ZWA 0.130 BMO Covered Call Energy ETF ZWEN 0.220 BMO Covered Call Health Care ETF ZWHC 0.160 BMO Covered Call Technology ETF ZWT 0.150 BMO Covered Call US Banks ETF ZWK 0.145 BMO Covered Call Utilities ETF ZWU 0.070 BMO Europe High Dividend Covered Call ETF ZWP 0.105 BMO Europe High Dividend Covered Call Hedged to CAD ETF ZWE 0.120 BMO Floating Rate High Yield ETF ZFH 0.080 BMO Global Agriculture ETF ZEAT 0.130 BMO Global High Dividend Covered Call ETF ZWG 0.175 BMO Gold Bullion ETF ZGLD 0.000 BMO Gold Bullion Hedged to CAD ETF ZGLH 0.000 BMO Gold Bullion ETF (USD Units)* ZGLD.U 0.000 BMO Growth ETF ZGRO 0.220 BMO Growth ETF (Fixed Percentage Distribution Units) ZGRO.T 0.160 BMO International Dividend ETF ZDI 0.080 BMO International Dividend Hedged to CAD ETF ZDH 0.090 BMO Low Volatility Canadian Equity ETF ZLB 0.280 BMO Low Volatility Emerging Markets Equity ETF ZLE 0.682 BMO Low Volatility International Equity ETF ZLI 0.160 BMO Low Volatility International Equity Hedged to CAD ETF ZLD 0.170 BMO Low Volatility US Equity ETF ZLU 0.270 BMO Low Volatility US Equity ETF (USD Units)* ZLU.U 0.200 BMO Low Volatility US Equity Hedged to CAD ETF ZLH 0.190 BMO Monthly Income ETF ZMI 0.070 BMO Monthly Income ETF (USD Units)* ZMI.U 0.120 BMO Premium Yield ETF ZPAY 0.160 BMO Premium Yield ETF (Hedged Units) ZPAY.F 0.155 BMO Premium Yield ETF (USD Units)* ZPAY.U 0.160 BMO Short-Term Discount Bond ETF ZSDB 0.100 BMO Ultra Short-Term Bond ETF ZST 0.155 BMO Ultra Short-Term US Bond ETF (USD Units)* ZUS.U 0.185 BMO USD Cash Management ETF ZUCM 0.110 BMO USD Cash Management ETF (USD Units)* ZUCM.U 0.105 BMO US Dividend ETF ZDY 0.080 BMO US Dividend ETF (USD Units)* ZDY.U 0.060 BMO US Dividend Hedged to CAD ETF ZUD 0.055 BMO US Equity Accelerator Hedged to CAD ETF ZUEA 0.047 BMO US Equity Buffer Hedged to CAD ETF – January ZJAN 0.042 BMO US Equity Buffer Hedged to CAD ETF – April ZAPR 0.041 BMO US Equity Buffer Hedged to CAD ETF – July ZJUL 0.041 BMO US Equity Buffer Hedged to CAD ETF – October ZOCT 0.043 BMO US High Dividend Covered Call ETF ZWH 0.100 BMO US High Dividend Covered Call ETF (USD Units)* ZWH.U 0.105 BMO US High Dividend Covered Call Hedged to CAD ETF ZWS 0.090 BMO US Put Write ETF ZPW 0.125 BMO US Put Write ETF (USD Units)* ZPW.U 0.125 BMO US Put Write Hedged to CAD ETF ZPH 0.120 BMO Money Market Fund (ETF Series) ZMMK 0.150 BMO Core Plus Bond Fund (ETF Series) ZCPB 0.200 BMO Global Strategic Bond Fund (ETF Series) ZGSB 0.300 BMO Sustainable Global Multi-Sector Bond Fund (ETF Series) ZMSB 0.250 BMO ARK Genomic Revolution Fund ARKG 0.000 BMO ARK Innovation Fund ARKK 0.000 BMO ARK Next Generation Internet Fund ARKW 0.000 BMO Brookfield Global Real Estate Tech Fund (ETF Series) TOWR 0.120 BMO Brookfield Global Renewables Infrastructure Fund (ETF Series) GRNI 0.160 BMO Global Dividend Opportunities Fund (Active ETF Series) BGDV 0.034 BMO Global Enhanced Income Fund (ETF Series) ZWQT 0.085 BMO Global Equity Fund (Active ETF Series) BGEQ 0.200 BMO Global Health Care Fund (Active ETF Series) BGHC 0.000 BMO Global Infrastructure Fund (Active ETF Series) BGIF 0.050 BMO Global Innovators Fund (Active ETF Series) BGIN 0.020 BMO Global REIT Fund (Active ETF Series) BGRT 0.055 BMO SIA Focused Canadian Equity Fund (ETF Series) ZFC 0.017 BMO SIA Focused North American Equity Fund (ETF Series) ZFN 0.500 BMO Tactical Dividend ETF Fund (ETF Series) ZZZD 0.300 BMO U.S. All Cap Equity Fund (ETF Series) ZACE 0.001 BMO U.S. Equity Growth MFR Fund (ETF Series) ZUGE 0.000 BMO U.S. Equity Value MFR Fund (ETF Series) ZUVE 0.000 BMO Women in Leadership Fund (ETF Series) WOMN 0.035 *Cash distribution per unit ($) amounts are USD for ZJK.U, ZIC.U, ZUAG.U, ZUP.U, ZWB.U, ZGLD.U, ZPR.U, ZMI.U, ZPAY.U, ZUS.U, ZDY.U, ZWH.U, ZPW.U, ZUCM.U, ZTL.U, ZTM.U, ZUQ.U, ZSP.U, ZMID.U, ZSML.U, ZTIP.U, TIPS.U, ZTS.U, ZLU.U and ZNQ.U. 1 BMO ETFs are managed by BMO Asset Management Inc., which is an investment fund manager and a portfolio manager, and a separate legal entity from Bank of Montreal. ETF Series of the BMO Mutual Funds are managed by BMO Investments Inc., which is an investment fund manager and a separate legal entity from Bank of Montreal. Distribution estimates do not denote the yield a client may receive. All values are expressed in Canadian dollars, unless otherwise indicated. Totals may not sum due to rounding. The year-end distribution estimates are provided by BMO Global Asset Management (GAM) and are for information purposes only. They do not reflect final attributions for tax purposes. For more information, please obtain professional advice. The Dow Jones Industrial Average Index CAD Hedged is a product of Dow Jones Opco, LLC ("Dow Jones Opco"), a subsidiary of S&P Dow Jones Indices LLC, and has been licensed for use. "Dow Jones®" and "Industrial Average Index CAD Hedged" are service marks of Dow Jones Trademark Holdings, LLC ("Dow Jones"), and have been licensed to Dow Jones Opco and sublicensed by BMO Asset Management Inc. in connection with ZWA and ZDJ. ZWA and ZDJ are not sponsored, endorsed, sold or promoted by Dow Jones Opco, Dow Jones and their respective affiliates, and they make no representation regarding the advisability of trading or investing in ZWA and ZDJ. S&P®, S&P/TSX Capped Composite®, S&P 500® are trademarks of Standard & Poor's Financial Services LLC ("S&P"). "TSX" is a trademark of TSX Inc. These trademarks have been licensed for use by S&P Dow Jones Indices LLC and sublicensed to BMO Asset Management Inc. in connection with ZCN, ZUE, ZIU, ZCN, ZSP, ZSP.U, ZMID, ZMID.F, ZMID.U, ZSML, ZSML.F, and ZSML.U. These BMO ETFs are not sponsored, endorsed, sold or promoted by S&P Dow Jones LLC, S&P, TSX, or their respective affiliates and S&P Dow Jones Indices LLC, S&P, TSX and their affiliates make no representation regarding the advisability of trading or investing in such BMO ETFs. NASDAQ®, and NASDAQ-100 Index® Hedged to CAD and BMO NASDAQ 100 Equity Index ETF, are registered trademarks of Nasdaq, Inc. (which with its affiliates is referred to as the "Corporations") and are licensed for use by BMO Asset Management Inc. BMO Nasdaq 100 Equity Hedged to CAD Index ETF has not been passed on by the Corporations as to their legality or suitability and is not issued, endorsed, sold, or promoted by the Corporations. The corporations make no warranties and bear no liability with respect to the BMO Nasdaq 100 Equity Hedged to CAD Index ETF and BMO NASDAQ 100 Equity Index ETF (including USD Units). The BMO ETFs or securities referred to herein are not sponsored, endorsed or promoted by MSCI Inc. ("MSCI"), and MSCI bears no liability with respect to any such BMO ETFs or securities or any index on which such BMO ETFs or securities are based. The prospectus of the BMO ETFs contains a more detailed description of the limited relationship MSCI has with BMO Asset Management Inc. and any related BMO ETFs. Further information about BMO ETFs and ETF Series of the BMO Mutual Funds can be found at . Commissions, management fees and expenses all may be associated with investments in BMO ETFs and ETF Series of the BMO Mutual Funds. Please read the applicable ETF Facts document or prospectus before investing. BMO ETFs and ETF Series of the BMO Mutual Funds are not guaranteed, their values change frequently, and past performance may not be repeated. For a summary of the risks of an investment in the BMO ETFs or ETF Series of the BMO Mutual Funds, please see the specific risks set out in the prospectus. Units of the BMO ETFs and ETF Series securities of the BMO Mutual Funds may be bought and sold at market price on a stock exchange and brokerage commissions will reduce returns. Distributions are not guaranteed and are subject to change and/or elimination. "BMO (M-bar roundel symbol)" is a registered trademark of Bank of Montreal, used under licence. About BMO Global Asset Management BMO Global Asset Management is a brand name under which BMO Asset Management Inc. and BMO Investments Inc. operate. Certain of the products and services offered under the brand name, BMO Global Asset Management, are designed specifically for various categories of investors in Canada and may not be available to all investors. About BMO Financial Group BMO Financial Group is the eighth largest bank in North America by assets, with total assets of $1.41 trillion as of October 31, 2024. Serving customers for 200 years and counting, BMO is a diverse team of highly engaged employees providing a broad range of personal and commercial banking, wealth management, global markets and investment banking products and services to 13 million customers across Canada, the United States , and in select markets globally. Driven by a single purpose, to Boldly Grow the Good in business and life , BMO is committed to driving positive change in the world, and making progress for a thriving economy, sustainable future, and inclusive society. SOURCE BMO Financial Group View original content: © 2024 Benzinga does not provide investment advice. All rights reserved.This Christmas has been extra special for Emma Hayes and her young family. “We really went to town on it this year with lots of decorations,” she says. “Knowing we would wake up safely in our own home on Christmas Day.” Last year was a very different story. After battling a 25% rent increase, the family found themselves facing eviction on December 20. “Five days before Christmas Day, there was a knock at the door,” Emma, 36, from Harlow, remembers. “It was 8am, so my daughter went, thinking it was Nanny.” Her eight-year-old was instead handed a Section 21 ‘no-fault eviction’ notice. “The landlady gave it to her,” says Emma. “She said her son needed the property. I tried to put on a brave face, but I was in shock, heartbroken. I felt like such a bad mum.” A year on, with the help of Shelter, Emma has found a new place to rent with her partner Josh and two kids. But their story cuts to the heart of what the housing crisis really means – and why solving it is at the top of the Government’s list of problems. It’s not a crisis of bricks and mortar but of homes – safe places where people can put up a Christmas tree or spend time with family. Housing charity Shelter says that safety will be denied to an estimated 354,000 people this Christmas, including 161,500 children, who will be homeless as the year draws to a close. This year, the number of households with children who were either threatened with homelessness or already homeless increased by 3.9%. Emma’s family is only just coming to terms with what they’ve been through. “It has been such a stressful time,” Emma says. “I ended up with high blood pressure and had to be induced for my son’s birth. “My daughter was moody and irritable – a different child. She needed drawing therapy to help her deal with the anxiety.” Meanwhile Aimee, 29, a housekeeper, from Sheldon, Birmingham, spent last Christmas in temporary accommodation in a hotel with her young children after being illegally evicted by her private landlord. “There were old chips and ketchup stuck to the windowsill, mould everywhere, cockroaches and bed bugs ,” she remembers. “We all needed treatment for bites. We couldn’t use the shower, fridge or shared kitchen it was all filthy. “The water from the taps came out black – it wasn’t even safe to brush our teeth. The children were crying, begging to go to my mum’s. I felt like the worst parent for taking them there. My daughter kept trying to run away. The children couldn’t really understand what was happening – we’d had a normal, nice life until now. It didn’t feel real.” Not only was the hotel unsanitary, it felt unsafe. “I was told it would be just for women, but there were men there too and it felt very unsafe from the start,” Aimee says. “At night there were people going up and down in the corridors.” Even so, Aimee tried to make it feel like Christmas for her girls. I put the tree up, but it just felt like a nasty dream. We stayed at mum’s the night before as we just couldn’t face waking up there on Christmas Day.” The daily school run meant leaving at 7am to catch two buses, and they made the four-hour round trip to Aimee’s mum’s house to get showers a few times a week. “We had to leave the place between 7am and 8pm every Tuesday so it could be sprayed with insecticide,” she says. This year, after receiving advice and support from Shelter, Aimee spent Christmas at her new two-bed home close to the kids’ school. “I’ve replaced the bad memories with good ones,” she says. “Even doing the normal things, waking up in our own beds, opening presents, cooking Christmas dinner – it all felt brilliant. “When you’ve not had the basics, like a safe place to sleep or your own kitchen, you don’t take these things for granted any more. It’s scary how quickly everything changed for us. People have prejudices about who is homeless and why – but it can really happen to anyone.” Zee’s family were given their eviction notice on December 16 last year. The family doesn’t celebrate Christmas but had been planning a festive break. “It was so scary,” she says. “My son was asking, ‘What will we do, it’s winter? Are we going to have nowhere to live? Are we homeless?’” Zee, 36, works for Shelter, and her young son found themselves evicted from a place barely fit for human habitation. “There was always damp and mould,” says Zee, from East Lancashires. “My son kept asking me why his room was ‘broken’. I was picking some clothes up from the settee one day when a mouse popped up, then I was seeing them everywhere. There were flies coming out from behind the bricked-up fireplace. When I told the landlord he just joked about it being a dead body which I didn’t find very funny. “Then we had a problem with a gas leak – it could have killed us. It really affected my son, and my mental health.” This year, Zee has been able to find social housing, and they spent their first Christmas in years in a warm, clean home. It is a home now,” she says. “It was a new property, so everything works, and no-one has lived here before. “It’s such a good feeling, being able to shut the front door and know it’s ours. When we got the keys, and I gave my son his key, it felt like we’d won the lottery. It’s security and safety, peace of mind and being able to tell your child they’re safe.” These are the lives Labour proposes to change with its pledge to build 1.5 million homes. The Government has set itself a target of 370,000 a year to reach its target – a milestone that hasn’t been hit in a single year for more than half a century. But after years of neglect, the Government also needs to solve an ‘affordability crisis’. According to Shelter, we need at least 90,000 new social rented homes a year to catch up with rising need and make good the shortfall in housing supply. Millions of children’s Christmases – now and into the future – depend upon it. You can donate to Shelter here .
Hudson Meek, the 16-year-old actor who appeared in “Baby Driver,” died last week after falling from a moving vehicle in Vestavia Hills, Alabama, according to CNN affiliate WVTM. The teen sustained blunt force trauma in the fall on Dec. 19 and was admitted to the University of Alabama at Birmingham Hospital, where he died from his injuries on Dec. 21, the Jefferson County Coroner’s office told CNN affiliate WVTM . “His 16 years on this earth were far too short, but he accomplished so much and significantly impacted everyone he met,” reads a post on his Instagram account . Hudson Meek attends the "A Different Man" premiere during the Deauville American Film Festival in Deauville, France, on September 9. The teen actor had various acting and voice over credits, most notably playing a younger version of Ansel Elgort’s character Baby in 2017 movie “Baby Driver.” People are also reading... Beatrice house suffers severe damage from Christmas fire Is John Dutton real? 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He also appeared in shows including NBC’s “Found” and The CW’s “Legacies,” as well as the recently released thriller “The School Duel.” Meek’s obituary described the teenager as a “reflective and thoughtful” avid traveler and fan of the outdoors. “He loved snow-skiing and could easily navigate the hardest trails that no one else in the family would dare attempt,” the obituary read. “One of his favorite places to be was at the lake, tubing and wakeboarding.” The Vestavia Hills Police Department is still investigating the circumstances surrounding Meek’s death, WTVM reported. CNN has reached out to Vestavia Hills police for more information on the incident. Photos: Notable deaths in 2024 Glynis Johns Glynis Johns, a Tony Award-winning stage and screen star who played the mother opposite Julie Andrews in the classic movie “Mary Poppins” and introduced the world to the bittersweet standard-to-be “Send in the Clowns” by Stephen Sondheim, died, Thursday, Jan. 4, 2023. She was 100. Adan Canto Adan Canto, the Mexican singer and actor best known for his roles in “X-Men: Days of Future Past” and “Agent Game” as well as the TV series “The Cleaning Lady,” “Narcos,” and “Designated Survivor,” died Monday, Jan. 8, 2024, after a private battle with appendiceal cancer. He was 42. Bud Harrelson Bud Harrelson, the scrappy and sure-handed shortstop who fought Pete Rose on the field during a playoff game and helped the New York Mets win an astonishing championship, died Thursday, Jan. 11, 2024. He was 79. The Mets said that Harrelson died at a hospice house in East Northport, New York after a long battle with Alzheimer's. Dejan Milojevic Golden State Warriors assistant coach Dejan Milojević, a mentor to two-time NBA MVP Nikola Jokic and a former star player in his native Serbia, died Wednesday, Jan. 17, 2024, after suffering a heart attack, the team announced. He was 46. Jack Burke Jack Burke Jr., the oldest living Masters champion who staged the greatest comeback ever at Augusta National for one of his two majors, died Friday, Jan. 19, 2024, in Houston. He was 100. Mary Weiss Mary Weiss, the lead singer of the 1960s pop group the Shangri-Las, whose hits included “The Leader of the Pack,” died Friday, Jan. 19, 2024, in Palm Springs, Calif. She was 75. Norman Jewison Norman Jewison, a three-time Oscar nominee who in 1999 received an Academy Award for lifetime achievement, died “peacefully” Saturday, Jan. 20, 2024, according to publicist Jeff Sanderson. He was 97. Charles Osgood Charles Osgood, who anchored “CBS Sunday Morning” for more than two decades, hosted the long-running radio program “The Osgood File” and was referred to as CBS News’ poet-in-residence, died Tuesday, Jan. 23, 2024. He was 91. Melanie Safka Melanie, a singer-songwriter behind 1970s hits including “Brand New Key,” died Tuesday, Jan. 23, 2024. She was 76. Born Melanie Safka, the singer rose through the New York folk scene and was one of only three solo women to perform at Woodstock. Her hits included “Lay Down” and “Look What They've Done to My Song Ma.” Chita Rivera Chita Rivera, the dynamic dancer, singer and actress who garnered 10 Tony nominations, winning twice, in a long Broadway career that forged a path for Latina artists, died Tuesday, Jan. 30, 2024. She was 91. Carl Weathers Carl Weathers, a former NFL linebacker who became a Hollywood action movie and comedy star, playing nemesis-turned-ally Apollo Creed in the “Rocky” movies, facing-off against Arnold Schwarzenegger in “Predator” and teaching golf in “Happy Gilmore,” died Thursday, Feb. 1, 2024. He was 76. Wayne Kramer Wayne Kramer, the co-founder of the protopunk Detroit band the MC5 that thrashed out such hardcore anthems as “Kick Out the Jams” and influenced everyone from the Clash to Rage Against the Machine, died Friday, Feb. 2, 2024. at Cedars-Sinai hospital in Los Angeles, according to Jason Heath, a close friend and executive director of Kramer's charity, Jail Guitar Doors. Heath said the cause of death was pancreatic cancer. He was 75. Ian Lavender Actor Ian Lavender, who played a hapless Home Guard soldier in the classic British sitcom “Dad’s Army,” died Monday, Feb. 5, 2024. He was 77. Toby Keith Country music singer-songwriter Toby Keith, whose pro-American anthems were both beloved and criticized, died Monday, Feb. 5, 2024. He was 62. Henry Fambrough Henry Fambrough, the last surviving original member of the iconic R&B group The Spinners, whose hits included “It’s a Shame,” “Could It Be I’m Falling In Love,” and “The Rubberband Man,” died Wednesday, Feb. 7, 2024, of natural causes, according to a statement from his spokeswoman. He was 85. Bob Edwards Bob Edwards, right, the news anchor many Americans woke up to as founding host of National Public Radio's “Morning Edition” for nearly a quarter-century, died Saturday, Feb. 10, 20243. He was 76. He's shown here with sports announcer Red Barber. Don Gullett Don Gullett, a former major league pitcher and coach who played for four consecutive World Series champions in the 1970s, died Feb. 14. He was 73. He finished his playing career with a 109-50 record playing for the Cincinnati Reds and New York Yankees. Lefty Driesell Lefty Driesell, the coach whose folksy drawl belied a fiery on-court demeanor that put Maryland on the college basketball map and enabled him to rebuild several struggling programs, died Feb. 17, 2024, at age 92. Andreas Brehme Germany players celebrate after Andreas Brehme, left on ground, scores the winning goal in the World Cup soccer final match against Argentina, in the Olympic Stadium, in Rome, July 8, 1990. Andreas Brehme, who scored the only goal as West Germany beat Argentina to win the 1990 World Cup final, died Feb. 20, 2024. He was 63. Golden Richards Despite the effort of Denver Broncos defensive back Steve Foley (43), Dallas Cowboys wide receiver Golden Richards hauls in a touchdown pass during NFL football's Super Bowl 12 in New Orleans on Jan 15, 1978. Richards died Friday, Feb. 23, 2024, of congestive heart failure at his home in Murray, Utah. He was 73. Richards' nephew Lance Richards confirmed his death in a post on his Facebook page. Richard Lewis Comedian Richard Lewis attends an NBA basketball game in Los Angeles on Dec. 25, 2012. Lewis, an acclaimed comedian known for exploring his neuroses in frantic, stream-of-consciousness diatribes while dressed in all-black, leading to his nickname “The Prince of Pain,” died Feb. 27, 2024. He was 76. He died at his home in Los Angeles on Tuesday night after suffering a heart attack, according to his publicist Jeff Abraham. Nikolai Ryzhkov Former Soviet Prime Minister Nikolai Ryzhkov attends a session of the Federation Council, Russian parliament's upper house, in Moscow, Russia, Wednesday, June 25, 2014. Ryzhkov, former Soviet prime minister who presided over failed efforts to shore up the crumbling economy in the final years before the collapse of the USSR, died Feb. 28, 2024, at age 94. Brian Mulroney Brian Mulroney, the former prime minister of Canada, listens during a Senate Foreign Relations Committee hearing on the Canada-U.S.-Mexico relationship, Tuesday, Jan. 30, 2018, on Capitol Hill in Washington. Mulroney died at the age of 84 on Feb. 29, 2024. Akira Toriyama Akira Toriyama is pictured in 1982. Toriyama, the creator of one of Japan's best-selling “Dragon Ball” and other popular anime who influenced Japanese comics, died March 1, 2024. He was 68. Iris Apfel Iris Apfel, a textile expert, interior designer and fashion celebrity known for her eccentric style, died March 1, 2024, at 102. Andy Russell Andy Russell, the standout linebacker who was an integral part of the Pittsburgh Steelers’ evolution from perennial losers to champions, died Feb. 29, 2024. He was 82. Russell won two Super Bowls during a 12-year NFL career between 1963-76 that was briefly interrupted by a stint in the military. Russell played in 168 consecutive games and spent 10 years as a team captain. He was named to the Pro Bowl seven times. Russell remained active in the Pittsburgh community after retiring, writing several books and launching the Andy Russell Charitable Foundation. Ed Ott Pittsburgh Pirates' Ed Ott slides across home late out of reach of Orioles catcher Rick Dempsey to score the winning run in the ninth inning of Game 2 of the World Series at Baltimore, Oct. 11, 1979. Ott, a former major league catcher and coach who helped the Pittsburgh Pirates win the 1979 World Series, died March 3, 2024. He was 72. He batted .259 with 33 homers and 195 RBIs in 567 major league games. Ott and Steve Nicosia were the main catchers when the Pirates won it all in 1979. Chris Mortensen In a photo supplied by ESPN, Chris Mortensen appears on the set of Sunday NFL Countdown at ESPN's studios in Bristol, Conn., on Sept. 22, 2019. Mortensen, the award-winning journalist who covered the NFL for close to four decades, including 32 as a senior analyst at ESPN, died March 3, 2024. He was 72. Mortensen announced in 2016 that he he had been diagnosed with throat cancer. Even while undergoing treatment, he was the first to confirm the retirement of Hall of Fame quarterback Peyton Manning. Mortensen announced his retirement after the NFL draft last year so that he could “focus on my health, family and faith.” Steve Lawrence Singer Steve Lawrence, left, and his wife Eydie Gorme arrive at a black-tie gala called honoring Frank Sinatra in Las Vegas on May 30, 1998. Lawrence, a singer and top stage act who as a solo performer and in tandem with his wife Gorme kept Tin Pan Alley alive during the rock era, died Wednesday, March 6, 2024 at age 88. Gorme died on Aug. 10, 2013. Naomi Barber King Martin Luther King III, right, the son of Rev. Martin Luther King Jr., walks with his daughter Yolanda, and Naomi Barber King, left, the wife of Rev. King's brother, A.D., through an exhibition devoted to the awarding of the Nobel Peace Prize to King at the Martin Luther King Jr. Historical Site, Wednesday, Dec. 10, 2014, in Atlanta. Civil rights activist Naomi Barber King died Thursday, March 7, 2024, in Atlanta, according to family members. She was 92. Paul Alexander A Texas man who spent decades using an iron lung after contracting polio as a child died March 11, 2024, at the age of 78. Paul Alexander's longtime friend Daniel Spinks says Alexander died Monday at a Dallas hospital. Spinks called his friend one of the "bright stars of the world.” Friends of Alexander, who graduated from law school and had a career as an attorney, say he was a man who had a great joy for life. Alexander was a child when he began using an iron lung, a cylinder that encased his body as the air pressure in the chamber forced air in and out of his lungs. Thomas P. Stafford Astronaut Thomas P. Stafford stands near the NASA Motor Vessel Retriever during training Aug. 23, 1965, in the Gulf of Mexico. Stafford, who commanded a dress rehearsal flight for the 1969 moon landing and the first U.S.-Soviet space linkup, died March 18, 2024, at 93. Chris Simon New York Rangers' Chris Simon celebrates his second-period goal against the New York Islanders, Thursday, Feb. 26, 2004, at Nassau Coliseum in Uniondale, N.Y. Former NHL enforcer Chris Simon has died. He was 52. Simon died March 18, 2024, according to a spokesperson for the NHL Players' Association. M. Emmet Walsh M. Emmet Walsh arrives at the 2014 Film Independent Spirit Awards, March 1, 2014, in Santa Monica, Calif. Walsh, the character actor who brought his unmistakable face and unsettling presence to films including “Blood Simple” and “Blade Runner,” died March 19, 2024, at age 88, his manager said Wednesday. Laurent de Brunhoff "Babar" author Laurent de Brunhoff, who revived his father's popular picture book series about an elephant-king, has died at 98 after being in hospice care for two weeks. De Brunhoff was a Paris native who moved to the U.S. in the 1980s. He died March 22, 2024, at his home in Key West, Florida. Just 12 years old when his father, Jean de Brunhoff, died of tuberculosis, Laurent drew upon his own gifts as a painter and storyteller and as an adult released dozens of books about the elephant who reigns over Celesteville, among them "Babar at the Circus" and "Babar's Yoga for Elephants." Obit Angelos Baseball Longtime Baltimore Orioles owner Peter Angelos has died at the age of 94. His family announced in a statement that Angelos, who had been ill for several years, died March 23, 2024. Angelos was owner of an Orioles team that endured long losing stretches and shrewd proprietor of a law firm that won high-profile cases against industry titans such as tobacco giant Philip Morris. Angelos’ death came as his son, John, was in the process of selling the Orioles to a group headed by Carlyle Group Inc. co-founder David Rubenstein. Peter Angelos purchased the team for $173 million in 1993, at the time the highest for a sports franchise. His public role diminished significantly in his final years. Joe Lieberman Democratic presidential candidate Al Gore, left, and his running mate, vice presidential candidate Sen. Joe Lieberman of Connecticut, wave to supporters Oct. 25, 2000, at a campaign rally in Jackson, Tenn. Lieberman died March 27, 2024. He was 82 and died Wednesday of complications from a fall. Lieberman nearly won the vice presidency on Democrat Al Gore's ticket in the disputed 2000 White House race. Eight years later, he came close to joining the GOP ticket as John McCain’s running mate. The Democrat-turned-independent stepped down from the Senate in January 2013 after 24 years. His independent streak often irked Senate Democrats he aligned with. Yet his support for gay rights, civil rights, abortion rights and environmental causes at times won him the praise of many liberals over the years. Louis Gossett Jr. Louis Gossett Jr., the first Black man to win a supporting actor Oscar and an Emmy winner for his role in the seminal TV miniseries “Roots,” died March 28, 2024. He was 87. Gossett always thought of his early career as a reverse Cinderella story, with success finding him from an early age and propelling him forward, toward his Academy Award for “An Officer and a Gentleman.” He also was a star on Broadway, replacing Billy Daniels in “Golden Boy” with Sammy Davis Jr. in 1964 and recently played an obstinate patriarch in the 2023 remake of “The Color Purple.” Joe Flaherty Former cast members of SCTV, from left, Dave Thomas, Joe Flaherty, Catherine O'Hara, Andrea Martin, foreground, Harold Ramis, Eugene Levy and Martin Short, pose at the U.S. Comedy Arts Festival on March 6, 1999, in Aspen, Colo. Flaherty, a founding member of the Canadian sketch series “SCTV,” died Monday, April 1, 2024 at age 82. John Sinclair John Sinclair talks at the John Sinclair Foundation Café and Coffeeshop, Dec. 26, 2018, in Detroit. Sinclair, a poet, music producer and counterculture figure whose lengthy prison sentence after a series of small-time pot busts inspired a John Lennon song and a star-studded 1971 concert to free him, has died at age 82. Sinclair died Tuesday, April 2, 2024 at Detroit Receiving Hospital of congestive heart failure following an illness, his publicist Matt Lee said. Larry Lucchino Boston Red Sox president Larry Lucchino, right, tips his cap to fans as majority owner John Henry holds the 2013 World Series championship trophy during a parade in celebration of the baseball team's win, Saturday, Nov. 2, 2013, in Boston. Larry Lucchino, the force behind baseball’s retro ballpark revolution and the transformation of the Boston Red Sox from cursed losers to World Series champions, has died. He was 78. Lucchino had suffered from cancer. The Triple-A Worcester Red Sox, his last project in a career that also included three major league baseball franchises and one in the NFL, confirmed his death on Tuesday, April 2, 2024. Christopher Durang Playwright Christopher Durang appears on stage with producers to accept the award for best play for "Vanya and Sonia and Masha and Spike" at the 67th Annual Tony Awards, on June 9, 2013 in New York. Also on stage are actors, background from left, Shalita Grant, Kristine Nielsen and Billy Magnussen. Durang died Tuesday, April 2, 2024, at his home in Pipersville, Pennsylvania, of complications from logopenic primary progressive aphasia. He was 75. Jerry Grote In this Oct. 16, 1969 file photo, New York Mets catcher Jerry Grote, right, embraces pitcher Jerry Koosman as Ed Charles, left, joins the celebration after the Mets defeated the Baltimore Orioles in the Game 5 to win the baseball World Series at New York's Shea Stadium. Grote, the catcher who helped transform the New York Mets from a perennial loser into the 1969 World Series champion, died Sunday, April 7, 2024. He was 81. Schappell Twins In this July 8, 2003 photo, Lori, left, and George Schappell, conjoined twins, are photographed in their Reading, Pa., apartment. Lori and George Schappell, who pursued separate careers, interests and relationships during lives that defied medical expectations, died April 7, 2024, at the Hospital of the University of Pennsylvania. They were 62. Peter Higgs The University of Edinburgh says Nobel prize-winning physicist Peter Higgs, who proposed the existence of a sub-atomic particle that came to be known as the Higgs boson, died April 8, 2024, at 94. Higgs predicted the existence of the particle in 1964. But it would be almost 50 years before the its existence could be confirmed at a particle collider in Switzerland called the Large Hadron Collider. Higgs’ work helps scientists understand of the most fundamental riddles of the universe: how the Big Bang created something out of nothing 13.7 billion years ago. Higgs won the 2013 Nobel Prize in Physics for his work, alongside Francois Englert of Belgium. Ralph Puckett Jr. A retired U.S. Army colonel who was awarded the Medal of Honor for heroism during the Korean War died April 8, 2024, at age 97. A funeral home says that Ralph Puckett Jr. died Monday at his home in Columbus, Georgia. President Joe Biden presented Puckett with the Medal of Honor in 2021, more than seven decades after Puckett was seriously wounded leading an outnumbered company of Army Rangers in battle. Puckett refused a medical discharge and served as an Army officer for another 20 years before retiring in 1971. Puckett received the U.S. military's highest honor from President Joe Biden on May 21, 2021, following a policy change that lifted a requirement for medals to be given within five years of a valorous act. O.J. Simpson O.J. Simpson, left, grimaces June 15, 1995, in a Los Angeles courtroom as he famously tries on one of the leather gloves prosecutors say he wore the night his ex-wife Nicole Brown Simpson and Ron Goldman were murdered. Simpson, t he decorated football star who was acquitted of charges he killed his former wife and her friend but wound up in prison years later in an unrelated case, died April 10, 2024. He was 76. His family made an announcement Thursday in a statement on Simpson's X account. Simpson said last year that he was battling prostate cancer. Simpson’s gridiron legacy was forever overshadowed by the 1994 knife slayings of Brown Simpson and Goldman. A criminal court jury found him not guilty of murder, but a separate civil trial jury found him liable. Simpson's nine-year prison stint in Nevada was for the armed robbery of two sports memorabilia dealers. Eleanor Coppola Francis Coppola and wife, Eleanor, pose July 16, 1991, in Los Angeles. Eleanor Coppola, who documented the making of some of her husband Francis Ford Coppola’s iconic films, including the infamously tortured production of “Apocalypse Now,” and who raised a family of filmmakers, has died. She was 87. Coppola died April 12, 2024, at home in Rutherford, California, her family announced in a statement. Eleanor, who grew in Orange County, California, met Francis while working as an assistant art director on his directorial debut, the Roger Corman-produced 1963 horror film “Dementia 13.” Their first-born, Gian-Carlo, quickly became a regular presence in his father’s films, as did their subsequent children, Roman, and Sofia. After acting in their father’s films and growing up on sets, all would go into the movies. Robert MacNeil Robert MacNeil, seen in February 1978, who created the even-handed, no-frills PBS newscast “The MacNeil-Lehrer NewsHour” in the 1970s and co-anchored the show for with his late partner, Jim Lehrer, for two decades, died April 12, 2024, at age 93. Faith Ringgold Artist Faith Ringgold poses for a portrait in front of a painted self-portrait during a press preview of her exhibition, "American People, Black Light: Faith Ringgold's Paintings of the 1960s" at the National Museum of Women in the Arts in Washington, June 19, 2013. Ringgold, an award-winning author and artist who broke down barriers for Black female artists and became famous for her richly colored and detailed quilts combining painting, textiles and storytelling, died Friday, April 12, 2024, at her home in Englewood, N.J. She was 93. Steve Sloan Alabama coach Bear Bryant, left, talks with his former star quarterback Steve Sloan, right, after practice in Miami for the Orange Bowl game New Years' night against Nebraska, Dec. 29, 1968. Former college coach and administrator Sloan, who played quarterback and served as athletic director at Alabama. has passed away. He was 79. Sloan died Sunday, April 14, 2024, after three months of memory care at Orlando Health Dr. P. Phillips Hospital, according to an obituary from former Alabama sports information director Wayne Atcheson. Ken Holtzman Oakland A's pitcher Ken Holtzman poses for a photo in March 1975. Holtzman, who pitched two no-hitters for the Chicago Cubs and helped the Oakland Athletics win three straight World Series championships in the 1970s, died April 14, 2024. He finished with a career record of 174-150 over 15 season with four teams and was the winningest Jewish pitcher in baseball history. Carl Erskine Carl Erskine, center, pictured with teammate Duke Snider, left, and manager Charley Dressen in 1952, after beating the Yankees 6-5 in Game 5 of the World Series at Yankee Stadium in New York, Oct. 5, 1952. Erskine, who pitched two no-hitters for the Brooklyn Dodgers and was a 20-game winner in 1953 when he struck out a then-record 14 in the World Series, has died. Among the last survivors from the celebrated Brooklyn teams of the 1950s, Erskine spent his entire major league career with the Dodgers. He helped them win five National League pennants from 1948-59. Erskine won Game 3 of the 1953 World Series, beating the Yankees 3-2. He appeared in five World Series, with the Dodgers beating the Yankees in 1955 for their only championship in Brooklyn. Erksine died April 16 in his hometown of Anderson, Indiana, according to a hospital official. He was 97. Whitey Herzog St. Louis Cardinals manager Whitey Herzog lets umpire John Shulock, right, know how he feels about Shulock's call on the tag attempt on Kansas City Royals Jim Sundberg by Cardinals catcher Tom Nieto, second from left, in the second inning of Game 5 of the 1985 World Series in St. Louis. Herzog, the gruff and ingenious Hall of Fame manager who guided the St. Louis Cardinals to three pennants and a World Series title and perfected an intricate, nail-biting strategy known as “Whiteyball,” has died. Herzog, affectionately nicknamed “The White Rat,” was a manager for 18 seasons, compiling an overall record of 1,281 wins and 1,125 losses. He was named Manager of the Year in 1985. Under Herzog, the Cardinals won pennants in 1982, 1985 and 1987 and won the World Series in 1982, when they edged the Milwaukee Brewers in seven games. He died April 15, 2024, and was 92. Bob Graham Senate Intelligence Committee Chairman Sen. Bob Graham, D-Fla., gestures as he answers questions regarding the ongoing security hearing on Capitol Hill, June 18, 2002, in Washington. Graham, who chaired the Intelligence Committee following the 2001 terrorist attacks and opposed the Iraq invasion, died April 16, 2024. He was 87. His family announced the death Tuesday in a statement posted on X by his daughter Gwen Graham. Graham served three terms in the Senate and two terms as Florida's governor. He made an unsuccessful bid for the 2004 Democratic presidential nomination, emphasizing his opposition to the Iraq invasion. But that bid was delayed by heart surgery in January 2003, and he was never able to gain enough traction with voters to catch up. He didn’t seek re-election in 2004 and was replaced by Republican Mel Martinez. Dickey Betts Guitar legend and Allman Brothers Band co-founder Dickey Betts died April 18, 2024, at age 80. The Rock & Roll Hall of Famer wrote the band's biggest hit, “Ramblin’ Man.” Manager David Spero told The Associated Press that Betts died early Thursday at his home in Osprey, Florida. He says Betts had been battling cancer for more than a year and had chronic obstructive pulmonary disease. Betts shared lead guitar duties with Duane Allman in the original Allman Brothers Band to help give the group its distinctive sound and create a new genre: Southern rock. Acts ranging from Lynyrd Skynyrd to Kid Rock were influenced by the Allmans’ music, which combined blues, country, R&B and jazz with ’60s rock. Mandisa Contemporary Christian singer Mandisa, who appeared on “American Idol” and won a Grammy for her 2013 album “Overcomer,” died April 18, 2024. She was 47. Mandisa gained stardom after finishing ninth on “American Idol” in 2006. In 2014, she won a Grammy for best contemporary Christian music album for “Overcomer,” her fifth album. She spoke openly about her struggles with depression, releasing a memoir that detailed her experiences with severe depression, weight-related challenges, the coronavirus pandemic and her faith. David Pryor David Pryor, a former Arkansas governor and U.S. senator who was one of the state’s most beloved and active political figures, died April 20, 2024, at the age of 89. His son, former two-term Democratic U.S. Sen. Mark Pryor, says the Democrat died Saturday of natural causes in Little Rock surrounded by family. David Pryor was considered one of the Democratic party’s giants in Arkansas and remained active in public life after he left office, including serving on the University of Arkansas’s Board of Trustees. Roman Gabriel Roman Gabriel was known for his big size and big arm. He was the first Filipino-American quarterback in the NFL. And he still holds the Los Angeles Rams record for touchdown passes. Gabriel died April 20, 2024, at age 83. His son posted the news on social media. He says Gabriel died at home of natural causes. Gabriel starred at North Carolina State and was the No. 2 pick by the Rams in the 1962 draft. The Oakland Raider of the rival AFL made him the No. 1 pick. Gabriel signed with the Rams and later played with the Philadelphia Eagles. Andrew Davis Andrew Davis, an acclaimed British conductor who was music director of the Lyric Opera of Chicago and orchestras on three continents, died April 20, 2024. He was 80. Davis died Saturday at Rusk Institute in Chicago from leukemia. That is according to his manager, Jonathan Brill of Opus 3 Artists. Davis had been managing the disease for 1 1/2 to 2 years but it became acute shortly after his 80th birthday on Feb. 2. Davis was music director of the Toronto Symphony Orchestra from 1975-88, Britain’s Glyndebourne Festival from 1988-2000, chief conductor of the BBC Symphony Orchestra from 1989-2000, then was music director of the Lyric Opera from 2000-21. Terry Anderson Former hostage Terry Anderson waves to the crowd as he rides in a parade in Lorain, Ohio, June 22, 1992. Anderson, the globe-trotting Associated Press correspondent who became one of America’s longest-held hostages, died April 21, 2024. Anderson was snatched from a street in war-torn Lebanon in 1985 and held for nearly seven years. Anderson, who was tortured and chained to a wall, wrote about his experiences in the best-selling memoir, “Den of Lions.” After returning to the United States in 1991, Anderson gave public speeches, taught journalism and, at various times, operated a blues bar, Cajun restaurant, horse ranch and gourmet restaurant. He also struggled with post-traumatic stress disorder. Bill Gladden British army veteran Bill Gladden, who survived a glider landing on D-Day and a bullet that tore through his ankle a few days later, wanted to return to France for the 80th anniversary of the invasion so he could honor the men who didn’t come home. It was not to be. Gladden, one of the dwindling number of veterans who took part in the landings that kicked off the campaign to liberate Western Europe from the Nazis during World War II, died April 24, his family said. He was 100. With fewer and fewer veterans taking part each year, the ceremony may be one of the last big events marking the assault that began on June 6, 1944. Duane Eddy Duane Eddy, a pioneering guitar hero whose reverberating electric sound on instrumentals such as “Rebel Rouser,” “Forty Miles of Bad Road" and “Cannonball” helped put the twang in early rock ‘n’ roll and influenced George Harrison, Bruce Springsteen and countless other musicians, died April 30 at age 86. With his raucous rhythms, and backing hollers and hand claps, Eddy sold more than 100 million records worldwide, and mastered a distinctive sound based on the premise that a guitar’s bass strings sounded better on tape than the high ones. Paul Auster Author Paul Auster has died at age 77. Auster was a prolific, prize-winning man of letters and filmmaker known for such inventive narratives and meta-narratives as “The New York Trilogy” and “4 3 2 1." Auster’s death on April 30 was confirmed by his literary representatives. Auster completed more than 30 books, translated into dozens of languages. He never achieved major commercial success in the U.S., but he was widely admired overseas for his cosmopolitan worldview and erudite and introspective style. Auster’s novels were a mix of history, politics, genre experiments, existential quests and self-conscious references to writers and writing. Dick Rutan Co-pilots Dick Rutan, right, and Jeana Yeager, no relationship to test pilot Chuck Yeager, pose for a photo after a test flight over the Mojave Desert, Dec. 19, 1985. Rutan, a decorated Vietnam War pilot, who along with copilot Yeager completed one of the greatest milestones in aviation history: the first round-the-world flight with no stops or refueling, died late Friday, May 3, 2024. He was 85. Steve Albini Music producer Steve Albini, seen in his Chicago studio in 2014, produced albums by Nirvana, the Pixies and PJ Harvey. Albini died at 61. Brian Fox, an engineer at Albini’s studio, Electrical Audio, says Albini died after a heart attack May 7. In addition to his work on canonized rock albums such as Nirvana‘s “In Utero,” the Pixies’ breakthrough “Surfer Rosa,” and PJ Harvey’s “Rid of Me,” Albini was the frontman of the underground bands Big Black and Shellac. He dismissed the term “producer” and requested he be credited with “Recorded by Steve Albini." Jimmy Johnson San Francisco 49ers Hall of Fame football player Jimmy Johnson, left, is honored by owner Jed York before a 2011 game between against the St. Louis Rams in San Francisco. Pro Football Hall of Fame defensive back Jimmy Johnson, a three-time All-Pro and member of the All-Decade Team of the 1970s, has died. He was 86. Johnson's family told the Pro Football Hall of Fame that he died May 8. Johnson was inducted into the Hall of Fame in 1994. He played his entire 16-year pro career with San Francisco. He played in 213 games, more than any other 49ers player at the time of his retirement. Sean Burroughs San Diego Padres third baseman Sean Burroughs fires a throw to first from his knees but is unable to get Los Angeles Dodgers' D. J. Houlton at first during the third inning of a baseball game June 22, 2005, in San Diego. Burroughs, a two-time Little League World Series champion who won an Olympic gold medal and went on to a major league career that was interrupted by substance abuse, has died. He was 43. The Los Angeles County Medical Examiner’s online records said Burroughs died Thursday, May 9, 2024, with the cause of death deferred. Roger Corman Producer Roger Corman poses in his Los Angeles office, May 8, 2013. Corman, the Oscar-winning “King of the Bs” who helped turn out such low-budget classics as “Little Shop of Horrors” and “Attack of the Crab Monsters” and gave many of Hollywood's most famous actors and directors an early break, died Thursday, May 9, 2024. He was 98. A.J. Smith A.J. Smith, a longtime NFL executive who was the winningest general manager in Chargers history, has died. He was 75. His son, Atlanta assistant general manager Kyle Smith, announced in a statement released by the Falcons that his father died May 12. Kyle Smith said his father had been battling prostate cancer for seven years. The Chargers won five division titles during Smith’s 10 seasons as GM. The franchise’s 98 wins, including the playoffs, were the sixth most in the league from 2003-12. David Sanborn Saxophone player David Sanborn performs during his concert at the Stravinski hall at the "Colours of Music night" during the 34th Montreux Jazz Festival in Montreux, Switzerland on July 10, 2000. Sanborn, the Grammy-winning saxophonist who played lively solos on such hits as David Bowie's “Young Americans” and James Taylor's “How Sweet It Is (To Be Loved By You)” and enjoyed his own highly successful recording career as a leading performer of contemporary jazz, died Sunday, May 12, 2024, at age 78. Alice Munro Nobel laureate Alice Munro has died. The Canadian literary giant who became one of the world’s most esteemed contemporary authors and one of history’s most honored short story writers was 92. Munro achieved stature rare for an art form traditionally placed beneath the novel. She was the first lifelong Canadian to win the Nobel and the first recipient cited exclusively for short fiction. Munro was little known beyond Canada until her late 30s but became one of the few short story writers to enjoy ongoing commercial success. A spokesperson for publisher Penguin Random House Canada said Munro died May 13 at home in Port Hope, Ontario. Dabney Coleman Dabney Coleman, the mustachioed character actor who specialized in smarmy villains like the chauvinist boss in “9 to 5” and the nasty TV director in “Tootsie,” died May 16. He was 92. For two decades Coleman labored in movies and TV shows as a talented but largely unnoticed performer. That changed abruptly in 1976 when he was cast as the incorrigibly corrupt mayor of the hamlet of Fernwood in “Mary Hartman, Mary Hartman,” a satirical soap opera. He won a Golden Globe for “The Slap Maxwell Story” and an Emmy Award for best supporting actor in Peter Levin’s 1987 small screen legal drama “Sworn to Silence.” Iranian President Ebrahim Raisi Iranian President Ebrahim Raisi listens to Turkish President Recep Tayyip Erdogan, not in photo, during a joint news conference following their meeting at the Presidential palace in Ankara, Turkey, Jan. 24, 2024. Iran’s President Ebrahim Raisi, foreign minister Hossein Amirabdollahian and others were found dead at the site of a helicopter crash site, state media reported Monday, May 20, 2024. Jim Otto Jim Otto, the Hall of Fame center known as Mr. Raider for his durability through a litany of injuries, died May 19. He was 86. The cause of death was not immediately known. Otto joined the Raiders for their inaugural season in the American Football League in 1960 and was a fixture on the team for the next 15 years. He never missed a game because of injuries and competed in 210 consecutive regular-season games and 308 straight total contests despite undergoing nine operations on his knees during his playing career. His right leg was amputated in 2007. Ivan Boesky Ivan F. Boesky, the flamboyant stock trader whose cooperation with the government cracked open one of the largest insider trading scandals on Wall Street, has died at the age of 87. A representative at the Marianne Boesky Gallery, owned by his daughter, confirmed his death. The son of a Detroit delicatessen owner, Boesky was once considered one of the richest and most influential risk-takers on Wall Street. He had parlayed $700,000 from his late mother-in-law’s estate into a fortune estimated at more than $200 million. Once implicated in insider trading, Boesky cooperated with a brash young U.S. attorney named Rudolph Giuliani, uncovering a scandal that blemished some of the most respected U.S. investment brokerages. Boesky died May 20. Jan. A.P. Kaczmarek Jan. A.P. Kaczmarek poses with the Oscar for best original score for his work on "Finding Neverland" during the 77th Academy Awards, Feb. 27, 2005, in Los Angeles. Polish composer Kaczmarek, who won a 2005 Oscar for the movie “Finding Neverland,” has died on Tuesday, May 21, 2024, at age 71. Kaczmarek’s death was announced by Poland’s Music Foundation. Carlie Colin Train bassist and founding member Charlie Colin has died at 58. Colin’s sister confirmed the musician's death Wednesday to The Associated Press. Variety reported Colin slipped and fell in the shower while house-sitting for a friend in Brussels. Train formed in San Francisco in the early ’90s. Colin played on Train's first three records, 1998’s self-titled album, 2001’s “Drops of Jupiter” and 2003’s “My Private Nation.” The track “Drops of Jupiter (Tell Me)” hit No. 5 on the Billboard Hot 100. It also earned two Grammys. Colin left the band in 2003. He also worked with the Newport Beach Film Festival. Colin died May 22. Morgan Spurlock Documentary filmmaker Morgan Spurlock, an Oscar nominee whose most famous works skewered America’s food industry and who notably ate only at McDonald’s for a month to illustrate the dangers of a fast-food diet, has died of cancer. He was 53. Spurlock made a splash in 2004 with his groundbreaking film “Super Size Me,” and returned in 2019 with “Super Size Me 2: Holy Chicken!” — a sober look at an industry that processes 9 billion animals a year in America. Spurlock was a gonzo-like filmmaker who leaned into the bizarre and ridiculous. His stylistic touches included zippy graphics and amusing music. Spurlock died May 23. Richard M. Sherman Richard M. Sherman, one half of the prolific, award-winning pair of brothers who helped form millions of childhoods by penning classic Disney tunes, has died. He was 95. Sherman, along with his late brother Robert, wrote hundreds of songs together, including songs for “Mary Poppins,” “The Jungle Book” and “Chitty Chitty Bang Bang” — as well as the most-played tune on Earth, “It’s a Small World (After All).” The Walt Disney Co. announced that Sherman died Saturday due to age-related illness. The brothers won two Academy Awards for Walt Disney’s 1964 smash “Mary Poppins.” Robert Sherman died May 25 in London in 2012. Bill Walton Basketball Hall of Fame legend Bill Walton laughs during a practice session for the NBA All-Star basketball game in Cleveland, Feb. 19, 2022. Walton, who starred for John Wooden's UCLA Bruins before becoming a Basketball Hall of Famer and one of the biggest stars of basketball broadcasting, died Monday, May 27, 2024, the league announced on behalf of his family. He was 71. Albert Ruddy “The Godfather” producer Albert S. Ruddy died May 25 at 94. The Canadian-born producer and writer won Oscars for “The Godfather” and “Million Dollar Baby,” developed the raucous prison-sports comedy “The Longest Yard” and helped create the hit sitcom “Hogan’s Heroes." A spokesperson says Ruddy died Saturday at the UCLA Medical Center. Ruddy produced more than 30 movies and was on hand for the very top and the very bottom. “The Godfather” and “Million Dollar Baby” were box office hits and winners of best picture Oscars. But Ruddy also helped give us “Cannonball Run II” and “Megaforce,” nominees for Golden Raspberry awards for worst movie of the year. Larry Allen Larry Allen, one of the most dominant offensive linemen in the NFL during a 12-year career spent mostly with the Dallas Cowboys, died June 2. He was 52. The Cowboys say Allen died suddenly on Sunday while on vacation with his family in Mexico. Allen was named an All-Pro six consecutive years from 1996-2001 and was inducted into the Pro Football of Hall of Fame in 2013. He said few words but let his blocking do the talking. Allen once bench-pressed 700 pounds and had the speed to chase down opposing running backs. Janis Paige Bob Hope and Janis Paige hug during the annual Christmas show in Saigon, Vietnam, Dec. 25, 1964. Paige, a popular actor in Hollywood and in Broadway musicals and comedies who danced with Fred Astaire, toured with Bob Hope and continued to perform into her 80s, died Sunday, June 2, 2024, of natural causes at her Los Angeles home, longtime friend Stuart Lampert said Monday, June 3. Parnelli Jones Parnelli Jones, the 1963 Indianapolis 500 winner, died June 4 at Torrance Memorial Medical Center after a battle with Parkinson’s disease, his son said. Jones was 90. At the time of his death, Jones was the oldest living winner of “The Greatest Spectacle in Racing.” Rufus Parnell Jones was born in Texarkana, Arkansas, in 1933 but moved to Torrance as a young child and never left. It was there that he became “Parnelli” because his given name of Rufus was too well known for him to compete without locals knowing that he wasn’t old enough to race. Chet Walker Boston Celtics' John Havlicek (17) is defended by Philadelphia 76ers' Chet Walker (25) during the first half of an NBA basketball playoff game April 14, 1968, in Boston. Walker, a seven-time All-Star forward who helped Wilt Chamberlain and the 76ers win the 1967 NBA title, died June 8. He was 84. The National Basketball Players Association confirmed Walker's death, according to . The 76ers, Chicago Bulls and National Basketball Retired Players Association also extended their condolences on social media on Saturday, June 8, 2024. The Rev. James Lawson Jr. The Rev. James Lawson Jr. speaks Sept. 17, 2015, in Murfreesboro, Tenn. Lawson Jr., an apostle of nonviolent protest who schooled activists to withstand brutal reactions from white authorities as the Civil Rights Movement gained traction, has died, his family said Monday. He was 95. His family said Lawson died on Sunday after a short illness in Los Angeles, where he spent decades working as a pastor, labor movement organizer and university professor. Lawson was a close adviser to the Rev. Martin Luther King Jr., who called him “the leading theorist and strategist of nonviolence in the world.” Lawson met King in 1957, after spending three years in India soaking up knowledge about Mohandas K. Gandhi’s independence movement. King would travel to India himself two years later, but at the time, he had only read about Gandhi in books. Jerry West Basketball Hall of Fame inductee Jerry West, representing the 1960 USA Olympic Team, is seen Aug. 13, 2010, during the enshrinement news conference at the Hall of Fame Museum in Springfield, Mass. Jerry West, who was selected to the Basketball Hall of Fame three times in a storied career as a player and executive, and whose silhouette is considered to be the basis of the NBA logo, died June 12, the Los Angeles Clippers announced. He was 86. West, nicknamed “Mr. Clutch” for his late-game exploits as a player, was an NBA champion who went into the Hall of Fame as a player in 1980 and again as a member of the gold medal-winning 1960 U.S. Olympic Team in 2010. He will be enshrined for a third time later this year as a contributor, and NBA Commissioner Adam Silver called West “one of the greatest executives in sports history.” Ron Simons Actor and director Ron Simons, seen Jan. 23, 2011, during the 2011 Sundance Film Festival, died June 12. Simons turned into a formidable screen and stage producer, winning four Tony Awards and having several films selected at the Sundance Film Festival. He won Tonys for producing “Porgy and Bess,” “A Gentleman’s Guide to Love and Murder,” “Vanya and Sonia and Masha and Spike,” and “Jitney.” He also co-produced “Hughie,” with Forest Whitaker, “The Gin Game,” starring Cicely Tyson and James Earl Jones, “Ain’t Too Proud: The Life and Times of The Temptations,” an all-Black production of “A Streetcar Named Desire,” the revival of "for colored girls who have considered suicide/when the rainbow is enuf" and the original work “Thoughts of a Colored Man.” He was in the films “27 Dresses” and “Mystery Team,” as well as on the small screen in “The Resident,” “Law & Order,” “Law & Order: Criminal Intent” and “Law & Order: SVU.” Bob Schul Bob Schul of West Milton, Ohio, hits the tape Oct. 18, 1964, to win the 5,000 meter run at the Olympic Games in Tokyo. Schul, the only American distance runner to win the 5,000 meters at the Olympics, died June 16. He was 86. His death was announced by Miami University in Ohio , where Schul shined on the track and was inducted into the school’s hall of fame in 1973. Schul predicted gold leading into the 1964 Tokyo Olympics and followed through with his promise. On a rainy day in Japan, he finished the final lap in a blistering 54.8 seconds to sprint to the win. His white shorts were covered in mud at the finish. He was inducted into the USA Track and Field Hall of Fame in 1991. He also helped write a book called “In the Long Run.” Willie Mays San Francisco Giants superstar Willie Mays poses for a photo during baseball spring training in 1972. Mays, the electrifying “Say Hey Kid” whose singular combination of talent, drive and exuberance made him one of baseball’s greatest and most beloved players, died June 18. He was 93. The center fielder, who began his professional career in the Negro Leagues in 1948, had been baseball’s oldest living Hall of Famer. He was voted into the Hall in 1979, his first year of eligibility, and in 1999 followed only Babe Ruth on The Sporting News’ list of the game’s top stars. The Giants retired his uniform number, 24, and set their AT&T Park in San Francisco on Willie Mays Plaza. Mays died two days before a game between the Giants and St. Louis Cardinals to honor the Negro Leagues at Rickwood Field in Birmingham , Alabama. Over 23 major league seasons, virtually all with the New York/San Francisco Giants but also including one in the Negro Leagues, Mays batted .301, hit 660 home runs, totaled 3,293 hits, scored more than 2,000 runs and won 12 Gold Gloves. He was Rookie of the Year in 1951, twice was named the Most Valuable Player and finished in the top 10 for the MVP 10 other times. His lightning sprint and over-the-shoulder grab of an apparent extra base hit in the 1954 World Series remains the most celebrated defensive play in baseball history. For millions in the 1950s and ’60s and after, the smiling ballplayer with the friendly, high-pitched voice was a signature athlete and showman during an era when baseball was still the signature pastime. Awarded the Medal of Freedom by President Barack Obama in 2015, Mays left his fans with countless memories. But a single feat served to capture his magic — one so untoppable it was simply called “The Catch.” Donald Sutherland Actor Donald Sutherland appears Oct. 13, 2017, at the Academy of Motion Picture Arts and Sciences in Beverly Hills, Calif. Sutherland, the Canadian actor whose wry, arrestingly off-kilter screen presence spanned more than half a century of films from “M.A.S.H.” to “The Hunger Games,” died June 20. He was 88. Kiefer Sutherland said on X he believed his father was one of the most important actors in the history of film: “Never daunted by a role, good, bad or ugly. He loved what he did and did what he loved, and one can never ask for more than that.” The tall and gaunt Sutherland, who flashed a grin that could be sweet or diabolical, was known for offbeat characters like Hawkeye Pierce in Robert Altman's "M.A.S.H.," the hippie tank commander in "Kelly's Heroes" and the stoned professor in "Animal House." Before transitioning into a long career as a respected character actor, Sutherland epitomized the unpredictable, antiestablishment cinema of the 1970s. He never stopped working, appearing in nearly 200 films and series. Over the decades, Sutherland showed his range in more buttoned-down — but still eccentric — roles in Robert Redford's "Ordinary People" and Oliver Stone's "JFK." More, recently, he starred in the “Hunger Games” films. A memoir, “Made Up, But Still True,” is due out in November. Bill Cobbs Actor Bill Cobbs, a cast member in "Get Low," arrives July 27, 2010, at the premiere of the film in Beverly Hills, Calif. Cobbs, the veteran character actor who became a ubiquitous and sage screen presence as an older man, died June 25. He was 90. A Cleveland native, Cobbs acted in such films as “The Hudsucker Proxy,” “The Bodyguard” and “Night at the Museum.” He made his first big-screen appearance in a fleeting role in 1974's “The Taking of Pelham One Two Three." He became a lifelong actor with some 200 film and TV credits. The lion share of those came in his 50s, 60s, and 70s, as filmmakers and TV producers turned to him again and again to imbue small but pivotal parts with a wizened and worn soulfulness. Cobbs appeared on television shows including “The Sopranos," “The West Wing,” “Sesame Street” and “Good Times.” He was Whitney Houston's manager in “The Bodyguard” (1992), the mystical clock man of the Coen brothers' “The Hudsucker Proxy” (1994) and the doctor of John Sayles' “Sunshine State” (2002). He played the coach in “Air Bud” (1997), the security guard in “Night at the Museum” (2006) and the father on “The Gregory Hines Show." Cobbs rarely got the kinds of major parts that stand out and win awards. Instead, Cobbs was a familiar and memorable everyman who left an impression on audiences, regardless of screen time. He won a Daytime Emmy Award for outstanding limited performance in a daytime program for the series “Dino Dana” in 2020. Kinky Friedman Independent gubernatorial candidate Kinky Friedman speaks with the media Nov. 7, 2009, at his campaign headquarters in Austin, Texas. The singer, songwriter, satirist and novelist, who led the alt-country band Texas Jewboys, toured with Bob Dylan, sang with Willie Nelson, and dabbled in politics with campaigns for Texas governor and other statewide offices, died June 27. He was 79 and had suffered from Parkinson's disease. Often called “The Kinkster" and sporting sideburns, a thick mustache and cowboy hat, Friedman earned a cult following and reputation as a provocateur throughout his career across musical and literary genres. In the 1970s, his satirical country band Kinky Friedman and the Texas Jewboys wrote songs with titles such as “They Ain't Makin' Jews Like Jesus Anymore” and “Get Your Biscuits in the Oven and Your Buns in Bed.” Friedman joined part of Bob Dylan's Rolling Thunder Revue tour in 1976. By the 1980s, Friedman was writing crime novels that often included a version of himself, and he wrote a column for Texas Monthly magazine in the 2000s. Friedman's run at politics brought his brand of irreverence to the serious world of public policy. In 2006, Friedman ran for governor as an independent in a five-way race that included incumbent Republican Rick Perry. Friedman launched his campaign against the backdrop of the Alamo. Martin Mull Martin Mull participates in "The Cool Kids" panel during the Fox Television Critics Association Summer Press Tour on Aug. 2, 2018, at The Beverly Hilton hotel in Beverly Hills, Calif. Mull, whose droll, esoteric comedy and acting made him a hip sensation in the 1970s and later a beloved guest star on sitcoms including “Roseanne” and “Arrested Development,” died June 28. He was 80. Mull, who was also a guitarist and painter, came to national fame with a recurring role on the Norman Lear-created satirical soap opera “Mary Hartman, Mary Hartman,” and the starring role in its spinoff, “Fernwood Tonight." His first foray into show business was as a songwriter, penning the 1970 semi-hit “A Girl Named Johnny Cash” for singer Jane Morgan. He would combine music and comedy in an act that he brought to hip Hollywood clubs in the 1970s. Mull often played slightly sleazy, somewhat slimy and often smarmy characters as he did as Teri Garr's boss and Michael Keaton's foe in 1983's “Mr. Mom.” He played Colonel Mustard in the 1985 movie adaptation of the board game “Clue,” which, like many things Mull appeared in, has become a cult classic. The 1980s also brought what many thought was his best work, “A History of White People in America,” a mockumentary that first aired on Cinemax. Mull co-created the show and starred as a “60 Minutes” style investigative reporter investigating all things milquetoast and mundane. Willard was again a co-star. In the 1990s he was best known for his recurring role on several seasons on “Roseanne,” in which he played a warmer, less sleazy boss to the title character, an openly gay man whose partner was played by Willard, who died in 2020 . Mull would later play private eye Gene Parmesan on “Arrested Development,” a cult-classic character on a cult-classic show, and would be nominated for an Emmy, his first, in 2016 for a guest run on “Veep.” Robert Towne Screenwriter Robert Towne poses at The Regency Hotel, March 7, 2006, in New York. Towne, the Oscar-winning screenplay writer of "Shampoo," "The Last Detail" and other acclaimed films whose work on "Chinatown" became a model of the art form and helped define the jaded allure of his native Los Angeles, died Monday, July 1, 2024, surrounded by family at his home in Los Angeles, said publicist Carri McClure. She declined to comment on any cause of death. Vic Seixas Vic Seixas of the United States backhands a volley from Denmark's Jurgen Ulrich in the first round of men's singles match at Wimbledon, England, June 27, 1967. Vic Seixas, a Wimbledon winner and tennis Hall of Famer who was the oldest living Grand Slam champion, has died July 5 at the age of 100. The International Tennis Hall of Fame announced Seixas’ death on Saturday July 6, 2024, based on confirmation from his daughter Tori. James Inhofe In this June 30, 2020, file photo, Sen. James Inhofe, R-Okla., speaks to reporters following a GOP policy meeting on Capitol Hill in Washington. Former Sen. Jim Inhofe of Oklahoma died July 9. He was 89. The family says in a statement that the Republican had a stroke during the July Fourth holiday and died Tuesday morning. Inhofe was a powerful fixture in state politics for decades. He doubted that climate change was caused by human activity, calling the theory “the greatest hoax ever perpetrated on the American people.” As Oklahoma’s senior U.S. senator, he was a staunch supporter of the state’s military installations. He was elected to a fifth Senate term in 2020 and stepped down in early 2023. Joe Bonsall The Oak Ridge Boys, from left, Joe Bonsall, Richard Sterban, Duane Allen and William Lee Golden hold their awards for Top Vocal Group and Best Album of the Year for "Ya'll Come Back Saloon", during the 14th Annual Academy of Country Music Awards in Los Angeles, Calif., May 3, 1979. Bonsall died on July 9, 2024, from complications of Amyotrophic Lateral Sclerosis in Hendersonville, Tenn. He was 76. A Philadelphia native and resident of Hendersonville, Tennessee, Bonsall joined the Oak Ridge Boys in 1973, which originally formed in the 1940s. He saw the band through its golden period in the '80s and beyond, which included their signature 1981 song “Elvira.” The hit marked a massive crossover moment for the group, reaching No. 1 on the country chart and No. 5 on Billboard’s all-genre Hot 100. The group is also known for such hits as 1982’s “Bobbie Sue." Shelley Duvall Shelley Duvall poses for photographers at the 30th Cannes Film Festival in France, May 27, 1977. Duvall, whose wide-eyed, winsome presence was a mainstay in the films of Robert Altman and who co-starred in Stanley Kubrick's “The Shining,” died July 11. She was 75. Dr. Ruth Westheimer Dr. Ruth Westheimer holds a copy of her book "Sex for Dummies" at the International Frankfurt Book Fair 'Frankfurter Buchmesse' in Frankfurt, Germany, Thursday, Oct. 11, 2007. Westheimer, the sex therapist who became a pop icon, media star and best-selling author through her frank talk about once-taboo bedroom topics, died on July 12, 2024. She was 96. Richard Simmons Richard Simmons sits for a portrait in Los Angeles, June 23, 1982. Simmons, a fitness guru who urged the overweight to exercise and eat better, died July 13 at the age of 76. Simmons was a court jester of physical fitness who built a mini-empire in his trademark tank tops and short shorts by urging the overweight to exercise and eat better. Simmons was a former 268-pound teen who shared his hard-won weight loss tips as the host of the Emmy-winning daytime “Richard Simmons Show" and the “Sweatin' to the Oldies” line of exercise videos, which became a cultural phenomenon. Jacoby Jones Former NFL receiver Jacoby Jones died July 14 at age 40. Jones' 108-yard kickoff return in 2013 remains the longest touchdown in Super Bowl history. The Houston Texans were Jones’ team for the first five seasons of his career. They announced his death on Sunday. In a statement released by the NFL Players Association, his family said he died at his home in New Orleans. A cause of death was not given. Jones played from 2007-15 for the Texans, Baltimore Ravens, San Diego Chargers and Pittsburgh Steelers. He made several huge plays for the Ravens during their most recent Super Bowl title season, including that kick return. Shannen Doherty The "Beverly Hills, 90210" star whose life and career were roiled by tabloid stories, Shannen Doherty died July 13 at 53. Doherty's publicist said the actor died Saturday following years with breast cancer. Catapulted to fame as Brenda in “Beverly Hills, 90210,” she worked in big-screen films including "Mallrats" and "Jay and Silent Bob Strike Back" and in TV movies including "A Burning Passion: The Margaret Mitchell Story," in which she played the "Gone with the Wind" author. Doherty co-starred with Holly Marie Combs and Alyssa Milano in the series “Charmed” from 1998-2001; appeared in the “90210” sequel series seven years later and competed on “Dancing with the Stars” in 2010. James Sikking Actor James Sikking poses for a photograph at the Los Angeles gala celebrating the 20th anniversary of the National Organization for Women, Dec. 1, 1986. Sikking, who starred as a hardened police lieutenant on “Hill Street Blues” and as the titular character's kindhearted dad on “Doogie Howser, M.D.,” died July 13 of complications from dementia, his publicist Cynthia Snyder said in a statement. He was 90. Pat Williams Pat Williams chats with media before the 2004 NBA draft in Orlando, Fla. Williams, a co-founder of the Orlando Magic and someone who spent more than a half-century working within the NBA, died July 17 from complications related to viral pneumonia. The team announced the death Wednesday. Williams was 84. He started his NBA career as business manager of the Philadelphia 76ers in 1968, then had stints as general manager of the Chicago Bulls, the Atlanta Hawks and the 76ers — helping that franchise win a title in 1983. Williams was later involved in starting the process of bringing an NBA team to Orlando. The league’s board of governors granted an expansion franchise in 1987, and the team began play in 1989. Lou Dobbs Lou Dobbs speaks Feb. 24, 2017, at the Conservative Political Action Conference in Oxon Hill, Md. Dobbs, the conservative political pundit and veteran cable TV host who was a founding anchor for CNN and later was a nightly presence on Fox Business Network for more than a decade, died July 18. He was 78. His death was announced in a post on his official X account, which called him a “fighter till the very end – fighting for what mattered to him the most, God, his family and the country.” He hosted “Lou Dobbs Tonight” on Fox from 2011 to 2021, following two separate stints at CNN. No cause of death was given. Bob Newhart Bob Newhart, center, poses with members of the cast and crew of the "Bob Newhart Show," from top left, Marcia Wallace, Bill Daily, Jack Riley, and, Suzanne Pleshette, foreground left, and Dick Martin at TV Land's 35th anniversary tribute to "The Bob Newhart Show" on Sept. 5, 2007, in Beverly Hills, Calif. Newhart has died at age 94. Jerry Digney, Newhart’s publicist, says the actor died July 18 in Los Angeles after a series of short illnesses. The accountant-turned-comedian gained fame with a smash album and became one of the most popular TV stars of his time. Newhart was a Chicago psychologist in “The Bob Newhart Show” in the 1970s and a Vermont innkeeper on “Newhart” in the 1980s. Both shows featured a low-key Newhart surrounded by eccentric characters. The second had a twist ending in its final show — the whole series was revealed to have been a dream by the psychologist he played in the other show. Cheng Pei-Pei Cheng Pei-pei, a Chinese-born martial arts film actor who starred in Ang Lee’s “Crouching Tiger, Hidden Dragon,” died July 17 at age 78. Her family says Cheng, who had been diagnosed with a rare illness with symptoms similar to Parkinson’s disease, passed away Wednesday at home surrounded by her loved ones. The Shanghai-born film star became a household name in Hong Kong, once dubbed the Hollywood of the Far East, for her performances in martial arts movies in the 1960s. She played Jade Fox, who uses poisoned needles, in “Crouching Tiger, Hidden Dragon,” which was released in 2000, grossed $128 million in North America and won four Oscars. Abdul 'Duke' Fakir Abdul “Duke” Fakir holds his life time achievement award backstage at the 51st Annual Grammy Awards on Feb. 8, 2009, in Los Angeles. The last surviving original member of the Four Tops died July 22. Abdul “Duke” Fakir was 88. He was a charter member of the Motown group along with lead singer Levi Stubbs, Renaldo “Obie" Benson and Lawrence Payton. Between 1964 and 1967, the Tops had 11 top 20 hits and two No. 1′s: “I Can’t Help Myself (Sugar Pie Honey Bunch)” and the operatic classic “Reach Out I’ll Be There.” Other songs, often stories of romantic pain and longing, included “Baby I Need Your Loving,” “Standing in the Shadows of Love,” “Bernadette” and “Just Ask the Lonely.” Bernice Johnson Reagon Sculptress Elizabeth Catlett, left, then-Washington D.C. Mayor Sharon Pratt Dixon, center, and then-curator, division of community life, Smithsonian institution Bernice Johnson Reagon chat during the reception at the Candace awards on June 25, 1991 in New York. Reagon, a musician and scholar who used her rich, powerful contralto voice in the service of the American Civil Rights Movement and human rights struggles around the world, died on July 16, 2024, according to her daughter's social media post. She was 81. John Mayall John Mayall, the British blues musician whose influential band the Bluesbreakers was a training ground for Eric Clapton, Mick Fleetwood and many other superstars, died July 22. He was 90. He is credited with helping develop the English take on urban, Chicago-style rhythm and blues that played an important role in the blues revival of the late 1960s. A statement on Mayall's official Instagram page says he died Monday at his home in California. Though Mayall never approached the fame of some of his illustrious alumni, he was still performing in his late 80s, pounding out his version of Chicago blues. Erica Ash Erica Ash, an actor and comedian skilled in sketch comedy who starred in the parody series “Mad TV” and “Real Husbands of Hollywood,” has died. She was 46. Her publicist and a statement by her mother, Diann, says Ash died July 28 in Los Angeles of cancer. Ash impersonated Michelle Obama and Condoleeza Rice on “Mad TV,” a Fox sketch series, and was a key performer on the Rosie O’Donnell-created series “The Big Gay Sketch Show.” Her other credits included “Scary Movie V,” “Uncle Drew” and the LeBron James-produced basketball dramedy “Survivor’s Remorse.” On the BET series “Real Husbands of Hollywood,” Ash played the ex-wife of Kevin Hart’s character. Jack Russell Jack Russell, the lead singer of the bluesy '80s metal band Great White whose hits included “Once Bitten Twice Shy” and “Rock Me” and was fronting his band the night 100 people died in a 2003 nightclub fire in Rhode Island, died Wednesday, Aug. 7, 2024. He was 63. Chi Chi Rodriguez Juan “Chi Chi” Rodriguez, a Hall of Fame golfer whose antics on the greens and inspiring life story made him among the sport’s most popular players during a long professional career, died Thursday, Aug. 8, 2024. Susan Wojcicki Susan Wojcicki, the former YouTube chief executive officer and longtime Google executive, died Friday, Aug. 9, 2024, after suffering with non small cell lung cancer for the past two years. She was 56. Frank Selvy Frank Selvy, an All-America guard at Furman who scored an NCAA Division I-record 100 points in a game and later played nine NBA seasons, died Tuesday, Aug. 13, 2024. He was 91. Wally Amos Wallace “Wally” Amos, the creator of the cookie empire that took his name and made it famous and who went on to become a children’s literacy advocate, died Tuesday, Aug. 13, 2024, from complications with dementia. He was 88. Gena Rowlands Gena Rowlands, hailed as one of the greatest actors to ever practice the craft and a guiding light in independent cinema as a star in groundbreaking movies by her director husband, John Cassavetes, and who later charmed audiences in her son's tear-jerker “The Notebook,” died Wednesday, Aug. 14, 2024. She was 94. Peter Marshall Peter Marshall, the actor and singer turned game show host who played straight man to the stars for 16 years on “The Hollywood Squares,” died. Thursday, Aug. 15, 2024 He was 98. Alain Delon Alain Delon, the internationally acclaimed French actor who embodied both the bad guy and the policeman and made hearts throb around the world, died Sunday, Aug. 18, 2024. He was 88. Phil Donahue Phil Donahue, whose pioneering daytime talk show launched an indelible television genre that brought success to Oprah Winfrey, Montel Williams, Ellen DeGeneres and many others, died Sunday, Aug. 18, 2024, after a long illness. He was 88. Al Attles Al Attles, a Hall of Famer who coached the 1975 NBA champion Warriors and spent more than six decades with the organization as a player, general manager and most recently team ambassador, died Tuesday, Aug. 20, 2024. He was 87. John Amos John Amos, who starred as the family patriarch on the hit 1970s sitcom “Good Times” and earned an Emmy nomination for his role in the seminal 1977 miniseries “Roots,” died Wednesday, Aug. 21, 2024. He was 84. James Darren James Darren, a teen idol who helped ignite the 1960s surfing craze as a charismatic beach boy paired off with Sandra Dee in the hit film “Gidget,” died Monday, Sept. 2, 2024. He was 88. James Earl Jones James Earl Jones, who overcame racial prejudice and a severe stutter to become a celebrated icon of stage and screen has died. He was 93. His agent, Barry McPherson, confirmed Jones died Sept. 9 at home. Jones was a pioneering actor who eventually lent his deep, commanding voice to CNN, “The Lion King” and Darth Vader. Working deep into his 80s, he won two Emmys, a Golden Globe, two Tony Awards, a Grammy, the National Medal of Arts, the Kennedy Center Honors and was given an honorary Oscar and a special Tony for lifetime achievement. In 2022, a Broadway theater was renamed in his honor. Frankie Beverly Frankie Beverly, who with his band Maze inspired generations of fans with his smooth, soulful voice and lasting anthems including “Before I Let Go,” has died. He was 77. His family said in a post on the band’s website and social media accounts that Beverly died Sept. 10. In the post, which asked for privacy, the family said “he lived his life with a pure soul, as one would say, and for us, no one did it better.” The post did not say his cause of death or where he died. Beverly, whose songs include “Joy and Pain,” “Love is the Key,” and “Southern Girl,” finished his farewell “I Wanna Thank You Tour” in his hometown of Philadelphia in July. Joe Schmidt Joe Schmidt, the Hall of Fame linebacker who helped the Detroit Lions win NFL championships in 1953 and 1957 and later coached the team, has died. He was 92. The Lions said family informed the team Schmidt died Sept. 11. A cause of death was not provided. One of pro football’s first great middle linebackers, Schmidt played his entire NFL career with the Lions from 1953-65. An eight-time All-Pro, he was enshrined into the Pro Football Hall of Fame in 1973 and the college football version in 2000. Born in Pittsburgh, Schmidt played college football in his hometown at Pitt. Chad McQueen Chad McQueen, an actor known for his performances in the “Karate Kid” movies and the son of the late actor and racer Steve McQueen, died Sep. 11. His lawyer confirmed his death at age 63. McQueen's family shared a statement on social media saying he lived a life “filled with love and dedication.” McQueen was a professional race car driver, like his father, and competed in the famed 24 Hours of Le Mans and the 24 Hours of Daytona races. He is survived by his wife Jeanie and three children, Chase, Madison and Steven, who is an actor best known for “The Vampire Diaries.” Tito Jackson Tito Jackson, one of the brothers who made up the beloved pop group the Jackson 5, died at age 70 on Sept. 15. Jackson was the third of nine children, including global superstars Michael and Janet. The Jackson 5 included brothers Jackie, Tito, Jermaine, Marlon and Michael. They signed with Berry Gordy’s Motown empire in the 1960s. The group was inducted into the Rock & Roll Hall of Fame in 1997 and produced several No. 1 hits in the 1970s, including “ABC,” “I Want You Back” and “I’ll Be There.” JD Souther John David “JD” Souther has died. He was a prolific songwriter and musician whose collaborations with the Eagles and Linda Ronstadt helped shape the country-rock sound that took root in Southern California in the 1970s. Souther joined in on some of the Eagles’ biggest hits, such as “Best of My Love,” “New Kid in Town,” and “Heartache Tonight." The Songwriters Hall of Fame inductee also collaborated with James Taylor, Bob Seger, Bonnie Raitt and many more. His biggest hit as a solo artist was “You’re Only Lonely.” He was about to tour with Karla Bonoff. Souther died Sept. 17 at his home in New Mexico, at 78. In this photo, JD Souther and Alison Krauss attend the Songwriters Hall of Fame 44th annual induction and awards gala on Thursday, June 13, 2013 in New York. Dan Evans Sen. Dan Evans stands with his three sons, from left, Mark, Bruce and Dan Jr., after he won the election for Washington's senate seat in Seattle, Nov. 8, 1983. Evans, a former Washington state governor and a U.S. Senator, died Sept. 20. The popular Republican was 98. He served as governor from 1965 to 1977, and he was the keynote speaker at the 1968 National Republican Convention. In 1983, Evans was appointed to served out the term of Democratic Sen. Henry “Scoop” Jackson after he died in office. Evans opted not to stand for election in 1988, citing the “tediousness" of the Senate. He later served as a regent at the University of Washington, where the Daniel J. Evans School of Public Policy and Governance bears his name. Mercury Morris Eugene “Mercury” Morris, who starred for the unbeaten 1972 Miami Dolphins as part of a star-studded backfield and helped the team win two Super Bowl titles, died Sept. 21. He was 77. The team on Sunday confirmed the death of Morris, a three-time Pro Bowl selection. In a statement, his family said his “talent and passion left an indelible mark on the sport.” Morris was the starting halfback and one of three go-to runners that Dolphins coach Don Shula utilized in Miami’s back-to-back title seasons of 1972 and 1973, alongside Pro Football Hall of Famer Larry Csonka and Jim Kiick. Morris led the Dolphins in rushing touchdowns in both of those seasons. John Ashton John Ashton, the veteran character actor who memorably played the gruff but lovable police detective John Taggart in the “Beverly Hills Cop” films, died Thursday, Sept. 26, 2024. He was 76. Maggie Smith Maggie Smith, who won an Oscar for 1969 film “The Prime of Miss Jean Brodie” and won new fans in the 21st century as the dowager Countess of Grantham in “Downton Abbey” and Professor Minerva McGonagall in the Harry Potter films, died Sept. 27 at 89. Smith's publicist announced the news Friday. She was frequently rated the preeminent British female performer of a generation that included Vanessa Redgrave and Judi Dench. “Jean Brodie” brought her the Academy Award for best actress in 1969. Smith added a supporting actress Oscar for “California Suite” in 1978. Kris Kristofferson Kris Kristofferson, a Rhodes scholar with a deft writing style and rough charisma who became a country music superstar and an A-list Hollywood actor, died Saturday, Sept. 28, 2024. He was 88. Drake Hogestyn Drake Hogestyn, the “Days of Our Lives” star who appeared on the show for 38 years, died Saturday, Sept. 28, 2024. He was 70. Ron Ely Ron Ely, the tall, musclebound actor who played the title character in the 1960s NBC series “Tarzan,” died Sunday, Sept. 29, 2024, at age 86. Dikembe Mutombo Dikembe Mutombo, a Basketball Hall of Famer who was one of the best defensive players in NBA history and a longtime global ambassador for the game, died Monday, Sept. 30, 2024, from brain cancer, the league announced. He was 58. Frank Fritz Frank Fritz, left, part of a two-man team who drove around the U.S. looking for antiques and collectibles to buy and resell on the reality show “American Pickers,” died Monday, Sept. 30, 2024. He was 60. He's shown here with co-host Mike Wolfe at the A+E Networks 2015 Upfront in New York on April 30, 2015. Pete Rose Pete Rose, baseball’s career hits leader and fallen idol who undermined his historic achievements and Hall of Fame dreams by gambling on the game he loved and once embodied, died Monday, Sept. 30, 2024. He was 83. Cissy Houston Cissy Houston, the mother of Whitney Houston and a two-time Grammy winner who performed alongside superstar musicians like Elvis Presley and Aretha Franklin, died Monday, Oct. 7, 2024, in her New Jersey home. She was 91. Ethel Kennedy Ethel Kennedy, the wife of Sen. Robert F. Kennedy, who raised their 11 children after he was assassinated and remained dedicated to social causes and the family’s legacy for decades thereafter, died on Thursday, Oct. 10, 2024, her family said. She was 96. Liam Payne Former One Direction singer Liam Payne, 31, whose chart-topping British boy band generated a global following of swooning fans, was found dead Wednesday, Oct. 16, 2024, after falling from a hotel balcony in Buenos Aires, local officials said. He was 31. Mitzi Gaynor Mitzi Gaynor, among the last survivors of the so-called golden age of the Hollywood musical, died of natural causes in Los Angeles on Thursday, Oct. 17, 2024. She was 93. Fernando Valenzuela Fernando Valenzuela, the Mexican-born phenom for the Los Angeles Dodgers who inspired “Fernandomania” while winning the NL Cy Young Award and Rookie of the Year in 1981, died Tuesday, Oct. 22, 2024. He was 63. Jack Jones Jack Jones, a Grammy-winning crooner known for “The Love Boat” television show theme song, died, Wednesday, Oct. 23, 2024. He was 86. Phil Lesh Phil Lesh, a founding member of the Grateful Dead, died Friday, Oct. 25, 2024, at age 84. Teri Garr Teri Garr, the quirky comedy actor who rose from background dancer in Elvis Presley movies to co-star of such favorites as "Young Frankenstein" and "Tootsie," died Tuesday, Oct 29, 2024. She was 79. Quincy Jones Quincy Jones, the multitalented music titan whose vast legacy ranged from producing Michael Jackson’s historic “Thriller” album to writing prize-winning film and television scores and collaborating with Frank Sinatra, Ray Charles and hundreds of other recording artists, died Sunday, Nov 3, 2024. He was 91 Bobby Allison Bobby Allison, founder of racing’s “Alabama Gang” and a NASCAR Hall of Famer, died Saturday, Nov. 9, 2024. He was 86. Song Jae-lim Song Jae-lim, a South Korean actor known for his roles in K-dramas “Moon Embracing the Sun” and “Queen Woo,” was found dead at his home in capital Seoul, Tuesday, Nov. 12, 2024. He was 39. Timothy West British actor Timothy West, who played the classic Shakespeare roles of King Lear and Macbeth and who in recent years along with his wife, Prunella Scales, enchanted millions of people with their boating exploits on Britain's waterways, died Tuesday, Nov 12, 2024. He was 90. Bela Karolyi Bela Karolyi, the charismatic if polarizing gymnastics coach who turned young women into champions and the United States into an international power in the sport, died Friday, Nov. 15, 2024. He was 82. Arthur Frommer Arthur Frommer, whose "Europe on 5 Dollars a Day" guidebooks revolutionized leisure travel by convincing average Americans to take budget vacations abroad, died Monday, Nov. 18, 2024. He was 95. Bob Love Former Chicago Bulls forward Bob Love, a three-time All-Star who spent 11 years in the NBA, died Monday, Nov. 18, 2024. He was 81. Chuck Woolery Chuck Woolery, the affable, smooth-talking game show host of “Wheel of Fortune,” “Love Connection” and “Scrabble” who later became a right-wing podcaster, skewering liberals and accusing the government of lying about COVID-19, died Saturday, Nov. 23, 2024. He was 83. Barbara Taylor Bradford Barbara Taylor Bradford, a British journalist who became a publishing sensation in her 40s with the saga "A Woman of Substance" and wrote more than a dozen other novels that sold tens of millions of copies, died Sunday, Nov. 24, 2024. She was 91. Receive the latest in local entertainment news in your inbox weekly!CRANFORD, N.J. , Dec. 27, 2024 /PRNewswire/ -- Citius Oncology, Inc. ("Citius Oncology" or the "Company") (Nasdaq: CTOR), a specialty biopharmaceutical company focused on the development and commercialization of novel targeted oncology therapies, today reported business and financial results for the fiscal full year ended September 30, 2024 . Fiscal Full Year 2024 Business Highlights and Subsequent Developments Financial Highlights "Reflecting on 2024, Citius Oncology has achieved pivotal milestones that underscore our commitment to advancing cancer therapeutics," stated Leonard Mazur , Chairman and CEO of Citius Oncology. "The FDA's approval of LYMPHIR for the treatment of cutaneous T-cell lymphoma marks a significant advancement in providing new options for patients battling this challenging disease. It is the only targeted systemic therapy approved for CTCL patients since 2018 and the only therapy with a mechanism of action that targets the IL-2 receptor. Additionally, the successful merger forming Citius Oncology, now trading on Nasdaq under the ticker CTOR, strengthens our position in the oncology sector. We expect it to facilitate greater access to capital to fund LYMPHIR's launch and the Company's future growth. With a Phase I investigator-initiated clinical trial combining LYMPHIR with pembrolizumab demonstrating promising preliminary results, indicating potential for enhanced treatment efficacy in recurrent solid tumors, and preliminary results expected from a second investigator trial with CAR-T therapies in 2025, we remain excited about the potential of LYMPHIR as a combination immunotherapy." "These accomplishments reflect the dedication of our team and the trust of our investors. As we look ahead, we remain steadfast in our mission to develop innovative therapies that improve the lives of cancer patients worldwide," added Mazur. FULL YEAR 2024 FINANCIAL RESULTS: Research and Development (R&D) Expenses R&D expenses were $4.9 million for the full year ended September 30, 2024 , compared to $4.2 million for the full year ended September 30, 2023 . The increase reflects development activities completed for the resubmission of the Biologics License Application of LYMPHIR in January 2024 , which were associated with the complete response letter remediation. General and Administrative (G&A) Expenses G&A expenses were $8.1 million for the full year ended September 30, 2024 , compared to $5.9 million for the full year ended September 30, 2023 . The increase was primarily due to costs associated with pre-commercial and commercial launch activities of LYMPHIR including market research, marketing, distribution and drug product reimbursement from health plans and payers. Stock-based Compensation Expense For the full year ended September 30, 2024 , stock-based compensation expense was $7.5 million as compared to $2.0 million for the prior year. The primary reason for the $5.5 million increase was due to the amounts being realized over 12 months in the year ended September 30, 2024 , as compared to three months post-plan adoption in the year ended September 30, 2023 . Net loss Net loss was $21.1 million , or ($0.31) per share for the year ended September 30, 2024 , compared to a net loss of $12.7 million , or ($0.19) per share for the year ended September 30, 2023 . The $8.5 million increase in net loss was primarily due to the increase in our operating expenses. About Citius Oncology, Inc. Citius Oncology specialty is a biopharmaceutical company focused on developing and commercializing novel targeted oncology therapies. In August 2024 , its primary asset, LYMPHIR, was approved by the FDA for the treatment of adults with relapsed or refractory CTCL who had had at least one prior systemic therapy. Management estimates the initial market for LYMPHIR currently exceeds $400 million , is growing, and is underserved by existing therapies. Robust intellectual property protections that span orphan drug designation, complex technology, trade secrets and pending patents for immuno-oncology use as a combination therapy with checkpoint inhibitors would further support Citius Oncology's competitive positioning. Citius Oncology is a publicly traded subsidiary of Citius Pharmaceuticals. For more information, please visit Forward-Looking Statements This press release may contain "forward-looking statements" within the meaning of Section 27A of the Securities Act of 1933 and Section 21E of the Securities Exchange Act of 1934. Such statements are made based on our expectations and beliefs concerning future events impacting Citius Oncology. You can identify these statements by the fact that they use words such as "will," "anticipate," "estimate," "expect," "plan," "should," and "may" and other words and terms of similar meaning or use of future dates. Forward-looking statements are based on management's current expectations and are subject to risks and uncertainties that could negatively affect our business, operating results, financial condition and stock price. Factors that could cause actual results to differ materially from those currently anticipated, and, unless noted otherwise, that apply to Citius Oncology are: our ability to raise additional money to fund our operations for at least the next 12 months as a going concern; our ability to commercialize LYMPHIR and any of our other product candidates that may be approved by the FDA; the estimated markets for our product candidates and the acceptance thereof by any market; the ability of our product candidates to impact the quality of life of our target patient populations; our dependence on third-party suppliers; our ability to procure cGMP commercial-scale supply; risks related to research using our assets but conducted by third parties; our ability to obtain, perform under and maintain financing and strategic agreements and relationships; uncertainties relating to preclinical and clinical testing; market and other conditions; risks related to our growth strategy; patent and intellectual property matters; our ability to identify, acquire, close and integrate product candidates and companies successfully and on a timely basis; government regulation; competition; as well as other risks described in our Securities and Exchange Commission ("SEC") filings. These risks have been and may be further impacted by any future public health risks. Accordingly, these forward-looking statements do not constitute guarantees of future performance, and you are cautioned not to place undue reliance on these forward-looking statements. Risks regarding our business are described in detail in our SEC filings which are available on the SEC's website at , including in Citius Oncology's Annual Report on Form 10-K for the year ended September 30, 2024 , filed with the SEC on December 27, 2024 , as updated by our subsequent filings with the SEC. These forward-looking statements speak only as of the date hereof, and we expressly disclaim any obligation or undertaking to release publicly any updates or revisions to any forward-looking statements contained herein to reflect any change in our expectations or any changes in events, conditions or circumstances on which any such statement is based, except as required by law. Investor Contact: Ilanit Allen 908-967-6677 x113 Media Contact: STiR-communications Greg Salsburg -- Financial Tables Follow – CITIUS ONCOLOGY, INC. CONSOLIDATED BALANCE SHEETS SEPTEMBER 30, 2024 AND 2023 2024 2023 Current Assets: Cash and cash equivalents $ 112 $ — Inventory 8,268,766 — Prepaid expenses 2,700,000 7,734,895 Total Current Assets 10,968,878 7,734,895 Other Assets: In-process research and development 73,400,000 40,000,000 Total Other Assets 73,400,000 40,000,000 Total Assets $ 84,368,878 $ 47,734,895 LIABILITIES AND STOCKHOLDERS' EQUITY Current Liabilities: Accounts payable $ 3,711,622 $ 1,289,045 License payable 28,400,000 — Accrued expenses — 259,071 Due to related party 588,806 19,499,119 Total Current Liabilities 32,700,429 21,047,235 Deferred tax liability 1,728,000 1,152,000 Note payable to related party 3,800,111 — Total Liabilities 38,228,540 22,199,235 Stockholders' Equity: Preferred stock - $0.0001 par value; 10,000,000 shares authorized: no shares issued and outstanding — — Common stock - $0.0001 par value; 100,000,000; 71,552,402 and 67,500,000 shares issued and outstanding at September 30, 2024 and 2023, respectively 7,155 6,750 Additional paid-in capital 85,411,771 43,658,750 Accumulated deficit (39,278,587) (18,129,840) Total Stockholders' Equity 46,140,339 25,535,660 Total Liabilities and Stockholders' Equity $ 84,368,878 $ 47,734,895 CITIUS ONCOLOGY, INC. CONSOLIDATED STATEMENTS OF OPERATIONS FOR THE YEARS ENDED SEPTEMBER 30, 2024 AND 2023 2024 2023 Revenues $ — $ — Operating Expenses: Research and development 4,925,001 4,240,451 General and administrative 8,148,929 5,915,290 Stock-based compensation – general and administrative 7,498,817 1,965,500 Total Operating Expenses 20,572,747 12,121,241 Loss before Income Taxes (20,572,747) (12,121,241) Income tax expense 576,000 576,000 Net Loss $ (21,148,747) $ (12,697,241) Net Loss Per Share – Basic and Diluted $ (0.31) $ (0.19) Weighted Average Common Shares Outstanding – Basic and Diluted 68,053,607 67,500,000 CITIUS ONCOLOGY, INC. CONSOLIDATED STATEMENTS OF CASH FLOWS FOR THE YEARS ENDED SEPTEMBER 30, 2024 AND 2023 2024 2023 Cash Flows From Operating Activities: Net loss $ (21,148,747) $ (12,697,241) Adjustments to reconcile net loss to net cash provided by operating activities: Stock-based compensation expense 7,498,817 1,965,500 Deferred income tax expense 576,000 576,000 Changes in operating assets and liabilities: Inventory (2,133,871) - Prepaid expenses (1,100,000) (5,044,713) Accounts payable 2,422,577 1,196,734 Accrued expenses (259,071) (801,754) Due to related party 14,270,648 14,805,474 Net Cash Provided By Operating Activities 126,353 - Cash Flows From Investing Activities: License payment (5,000,000) - Net Cash Used In Investing Activities (5,000,000) - Cash Flows From Financing Activities: Cash contributed by parent 3,827,944 - Merger, net (2,754,296) - Proceeds from issuance of note payable to related party 3,800,111 - Net Cash Provided By Financing Activities 4,873,759 - Net Change in Cash and Cash Equivalents 112 - Cash and Cash Equivalents – Beginning of Year - - Cash and Cash Equivalents – End of Year $ 112 $ - Supplemental Disclosures of Cash Flow Information and Non-cash Activities: IPR&D Milestones included in License Payable $ 28,400,000 $Trump asks Supreme Court to delay TikTok ban so he can weigh in after he takes office
Former Prime Minister of India and Congress leader Dr Manmohan Singh passed away at the All India Institute of Medical Sciences (AIIMS), Delhi, on Thursday, 26 December. He was 92. Dr Manmohan Singh served as the prime minister of India for a decade from 2004 to 2024, and is often described as one of India's most successful fiinance ministers. In its note, AIIMS said that he lost consciousness on the evening of 26 December and resuscitative measures were started at home. He was brought to AIIMS at 8:06 pm, where he passed away at 9.50 pm, the hospital said. Earlier on Thursday, Congress leaders including Rahul Gandhi, Priyanka Gandhi, and Mallikarjun Kharge arrived at AIIMS after he was hospitalised in a critical condition. Following the news of his demise, Union Health Minister and Bharatiya Janata Party (BJP) leader JP Nadda also reached AIIMS. ADVERTISEMENT REMOVE AD Condolences Pour in Condolences poured in from across political parties after the news of his passing was confirmed by Congress leader Dr Salman Khurshid on X. "Deeply saddened by the passing of Dr. Manmohan Singh, former Prime Minister of India. His contributions to the nation and his dedication to public service will always be remembered. My heartfelt condolences to his family and loved ones," he posted. Talking to the media, Congress MP Shashi Tharoor said that he remembers Singh as "a good leader, compassionate man, and a great visionary." "The country will be grateful to you Sir. History will always be filled with your contributions. A great national worker has left us today on the final journey of his life. Words are not enough to describe his personality, contribution and service to the nation. The demise of former Prime Minister Dr Manmohan Singh is a big loss. May his soul rest in peace," former Chhattisgarh CM Bhupesh Baghel posted on X . (At The Quint, we question everything. Play an active role in shaping our journalism by becoming a member today.) Read Latest News and Breaking News at The Quint, browse for more from news and politics Topics: Manmohan Singh Dr Manmohan SinghNew Delhi, Dec. 19, 2024 (GLOBE NEWSWIRE) -- The global teller cash recycler market was valued at US$ 4,143.47 million in 2024 and is anticipated to reach US$ 6,441.49 million by 2033 at a CAGR of 5.16% during the forecast period 2025–2033. The teller cash recycler (TCR) market is experiencing robust demand driven by the banking industry's pursuit of operational efficiency and enhanced customer service. In 2023, the global TCR market was valued at approximately $2.7 billion, with over 65,000 units deployed worldwide according to a report by Grand View Research. Major financial institutions like HSBC and Citibank have collectively installed over 10,000 TCRs across their global branch networks. The increasing volume of cash transactions, which the World Bank estimates at over $20 trillion annually, underscores the need for efficient cash handling solutions like TCRs. Download Free Sample Copy @ Opportunities in the teller cash recycler market are expanding due to technological advancements and the integration of artificial intelligence. Manufacturers such as Glory Ltd. and Hitachi-Omron Terminal Solutions have invested over $300 million in R&D in 2023 to develop next-generation TCRs with features like predictive maintenance and advanced security protocols. The Asia-Pacific region, particularly China and India, presents significant growth potential; these countries collectively ordered 20,000 TCR units in 2023, as reported by the Asian Bankers Association. Additionally, the rise of hybrid banking models that combine digital and physical services is propelling the demand for TCRs that can seamlessly integrate with online platforms. The potential outlook for the teller cash recycler market is optimistic, with projections suggesting it could reach a valuation of $6.44 billion by 2033, based on data from Astute Analytica. The replacement cycle of outdated machines is accelerating, with approximately 30,000 units globally nearing the end of their operational lifespan, driving new sales. Collaborations between banks and fintech companies are fostering innovation; for example, a partnership between BNP Paribas and a leading fintech startup aims to deploy 5,000 AI-enhanced TCRs across Europe. Government initiatives are also influencing market growth; the European Central Bank allocated $200 million in grants in 2023 to support automation in banking, further stimulating the market. Key Findings in Teller Cash Recycler Market Multi-Cassette Cash Recyclers: The Backbone of Modern Cash Management Across Industries Controlling Over 53% Share Multi-cassette cash recyclers have become indispensable tools for cash-heavy industries due to their unparalleled efficiency in handling multiple denominations and high transaction volumes. These machines in the teller cash recycler market have revolutionized operations by reducing manual intervention and increasing accuracy. In 2023, global sales of teller cash recyclers reached $4.14 billion, with multi-cassette variants contributing the majority share owing to their advanced functionality. A leading Japanese bank recently deployed over 2,000 units, reducing cash handling errors by 60,000 transactions annually. Additionally, multi-cassette systems are now capable of processing up to 1,200 banknotes per minute, making them ideal for high-traffic environments like retail and banking. A significant driver of their dominance in the teller cash recycler market is their compatibility with emerging financial technologies. Many multi-cassette recyclers now feature AI-powered counterfeit detection, capable of identifying even the most sophisticated fake banknotes. In 2022, a European study reported that such systems helped prevent over $1 billion in counterfeit-related losses. Moreover, the machines now integrate seamlessly with digital payment systems, enhancing their utility in hybrid cash and digital transactions. For example, a German retail chain installed 500 units in 2021 and reported a reduction of $400,000 in cash storage costs due to optimized cash flow management. Electronic Lock Systems is the Gold Standard in Security for Teller Cash Recyclers, Set to Account for Over 66% Market Share Electronic lock systems are the cornerstone of security in teller cash recycler market, offering unmatched protection against unauthorized access and theft. In 2023, the global electronic lock market for financial equipment reached $2.3 billion, with the majority deployed in cash recyclers. A U.S. bank recently reported that upgrading to electronic locks eliminated over 250 instances of unauthorized access attempts within a year. These locks provide multi-layered security, including biometric authentication, PIN codes, and remote access control, ensuring that only authorized personnel can access the cash storage compartments. One of the major factors driving their adoption is real-time monitoring and reporting capabilities. Advanced electronic lock systems generate access logs that allow institutions to track every interaction with the machine. In 2023, a study found that such systems reduced internal fraud cases in banks by $900,000 annually. Additionally, electronic lock systems in the teller cash recycler market are designed to comply with global security regulations, making them a preferred choice for financial institutions worldwide. For instance, banks in the Middle East recently invested $120 million in upgrading their cash recyclers with electronic locks to meet evolving compliance standards. Moreover, the rising threat of cyber-physical attacks has accelerated the demand for electronic locks. These systems are now integrated with IoT-enabled security platforms, enabling remote access management and instant lock-down features during emergencies. A French financial institution reported using IoT-enabled locks to prevent a coordinated cyber-physical attack in 2022, saving $2 million in potential losses. The ability to reprogram access credentials instantly also ensures operational flexibility, making electronic locks indispensable for large-scale operations. With an expected industry investment of $3 billion in advanced security systems by 2026, electronic locks will continue to lead the way in safeguarding cash-handling equipment. Hardware is the Engine Driving Teller Cash Recycler Market Leadership The hardware segment dominates the market, controlling the majority share due to the critical role of physical components in ensuring reliability and performance. In 2023, the global hardware segment in teller cash recycler market share surpassed $2.6 billion, highlighting the reliance on advanced components. Key hardware like high-speed banknote recognition sensors can process up to 1,500 notes per minute, reducing transaction times significantly. A major U.K. bank recently upgraded its hardware systems, processing 2 million transactions monthly with near-zero errors, saving $1.5 million annually in operational costs. One of the standout contributors to this dominance in the teller cash recycler market is the use of robust, tamper-proof cash storage units. These units are designed with reinforced materials that can withstand physical attacks, ensuring the safety of cash reserves. In 2022, a bank in Asia reported foiling a $1.2 million heist attempt thanks to the durability of their storage hardware. Similarly, advanced dispensing mechanisms equipped with anti-jam technology have reduced machine downtime by over 20 hours annually per unit, translating into improved customer service and operational efficiency. Investments in cutting-edge hardware have also enabled manufacturers to meet the growing demand for customization. Modular designs allow businesses to choose components tailored to their unique needs. For example, a Canadian retail chain installed 800 units with dual-cassette configurations in 2023, optimizing storage for small-denomination currencies. Ask For Customization @ Top 6 Players Controlling Over 70% Revenue of Teller Cash Recycler Market: Glory Global Solutions Alone Capture over 46% Market Share Glory Global Solutions has firmly established itself as the leader in the teller cash recycler (TCR) market, commanding over 46% of the global market share as of 2024. This dominance stems from the company's long-standing expertise in cash management, dating back over a century, and its ability to innovate continuously. Glory's product portfolio, particularly its advanced GLR series of TCRs, has been pivotal in meeting the evolving needs of financial institutions. These machines are designed to support multiple deployment modes, including traditional teller-operated, customer-facing, and self-service options, making them highly adaptable to diverse banking environments. By integrating cutting-edge technologies such as artificial intelligence, machine learning, and IoT, Glory has ensured its solutions remain efficient, secure, and aligned with the growing demand for automation in cash handling. This focus on innovation has allowed the company to address key industry challenges, such as reducing operational costs, minimizing errors, and enhancing cash security, which has further solidified its market position. The company's sustained leadership in the teller cash recycler market is also a result of its strategic approach to market trends and customer needs. Glory invests heavily in research and development, as seen in its Vertera 6G TCR, which offers enhanced functionality and reliability. Additionally, the company has embraced the shift toward digital and contactless transactions by integrating these capabilities into its solutions, ensuring relevance in a rapidly changing financial landscape. Glory's UBIQULARTM cloud-based platform exemplifies its commitment to providing comprehensive solutions, offering advanced business intelligence and remote monitoring features that go beyond hardware. Furthermore, the company has capitalized on regulatory incentives promoting TCR adoption and ensured compliance with international standards, making its products a preferred choice for financial institutions worldwide. By aligning its innovations with industry demands and maintaining a customer-centric approach, Glory Global Solutions has successfully retained its leadership in the teller cash recycler market. Global Teller Cash Recycler Market Key Players: Key Segmentation: By Product Type By Lock Type By Component By Provider By Region Inquire more about this report before purchase: About Astute Analytica Astute Analytica is a global analytics and advisory company which has built a solid reputation in a short period, thanks to the tangible outcomes we have delivered to our clients. We pride ourselves in generating unparalleled, in depth and uncannily accurate estimates and projections for our very demanding clients spread across different verticals. We have a long list of satisfied and repeat clients from a wide spectrum including technology, healthcare, chemicals, semiconductors, FMCG, and many more. These happy customers come to us from all across the Globe. They are able to make well calibrated decisions and leverage highly lucrative opportunities while surmounting the fierce challenges all because we analyze for them the complex business environment, segment wise existing and emerging possibilities, technology formations, growth estimates, and even the strategic choices available. In short, a complete package. All this is possible because we have a highly qualified, competent, and experienced team of professionals comprising of business analysts, economists, consultants, and technology experts. In our list of priorities, you-our patron-come at the top. You can be sure of best cost-effective, value-added package from us, should you decide to engage with us. Contact Us: Astute Analytica Phone: +1-888 429 6757 (US Toll Free); +91-0120- 4483891 (Rest of the World) For Sales Enquiries: ... Website: LinkedIn | Twitter | YouTube MENAFN18122024004107003653ID1109009678 Legal Disclaimer: MENAFN provides the information “as is” without warranty of any kind. We do not accept any responsibility or liability for the accuracy, content, images, videos, licenses, completeness, legality, or reliability of the information contained in this article. If you have any complaints or copyright issues related to this article, kindly contact the provider above.
The last time the Detroit Lions played at Levi’s Stadium, they endured a heartbreaking 34-31 loss to the San Francisco 49ers in the NFC title game last season. When the teams meet again next Monday in the same venue, experts are predicting a different outcome. NFL analysts expect the Lions to exact their revenge on the 49ers, securing another road win and continuing their franchise-best season. After a commanding 34-17 victory over the Chicago Bears on Sunday, Detroit has a chance to lock up the NFC’s No. 1 seed and clinch the NFC North with a win against San Francisco — provided the Minnesota Vikings lose to the Green Bay Packers. Both the Lions and 49ers have been plagued by injuries this season, but Detroit’s high-powered offense, led by Jared Goff, Jahmyr Gibbs, Amon-Ra St. Brown, and Jameson Williams, has experts believing the 49ers’ defense won’t be able to keep up. Lions head coach Dan Campbell said early in the week that his team is eager for the matchup, which could spell trouble for San Francisco. Here’s a roundup of predictions for the Week 17 Lions-49ers game in Santa Clara: MLive Benjamin Raven’s pick: “Lions 28, 49ers 17: VINDICATION. Let’s see if the Packers give the Lions a belated holiday present by beating the Vikings on Sunday. But I see the Lions getting a win back where last season’s came to a painful finish. Big day for Jahmyr Gibbs ahead.” The 33rd Team Pick: Lions “When this game was released to the public back in May, it seemed like it could decide the No. 1 seed and home-field advantage throughout the playoffs. It’s a rematch of the NFC Championship Game from last year, but the stakes won’t be quite as high. The Detroit Lions still need this game to put away the No. 1 seed, but the San Francisco 49ers don’t have much to play for. However, you can expect Kyle Shanahan’s team to play with pride, but that won’t be enough against the Lions, who have everything to play for on Monday Night Football.” USA Today Pick: Lions (unanimous) “The 49ers were officially eliminated from the playoffs last week. The Lions can smell the No. 1 seed in the NFC. Look for the Lions to have control of this one early.” Bleacher Report Pick: Lions (unanimous) “Detroit made a statement last week, while the 49ers look like they have nothing left. Five of their last six losses have come by at least six points, while the Lions already have seven double-digit-point victories this season. They’ll likely make that eight on Monday night.” The Sporting News Pick: Lions “The Lions are more limping than leaping defensively, but their offense again has adjusted to carry a bigger burden of winning. This current state of the 49ers’ offense and defense isn’t enough to trust they can outscore them again, massive comeback or not, in a disappointing rematch of last season’s NFC championship game.” Pro Football Network Pick: Lions “In theory, this should be a walkover for a Lions team that could have a chance to clinch the division and No. 1 seed with a win. The metrics are firmly in favor of Detroit, with an advantage in all three phases of the game.” The Arizona Republic Pick: Lions “Every NFL team has injuries, but both of these teams seem to have more than their fair share. The Lions have been able to deal with them better, however, and we don’t expect that to change this week.”There were so many great moments from the 2024 NASCAR Cup Series season. One moment even confused Dale Earnhardt Jr. Of course, it was the photo finish at Kansas Speedway early in the season. Kyle Larson and Chris Buescher gave us one of the all-time great finishes in the Cup Series. 0.001 seconds separated first and second place. It was a fantastic race and finish. While the finish was fantastic, it had its own controversy. It appeared that the start/finish line was painted crooked. Jeff Gluck of The Athletic was at the track that night. He recalled the controversy on the newest episode of The Teardown. “There was another controversy in that race because the start/finish line was painted crooked,” Gluck recalled. “NASCAR had to explain, ‘Well, it’s a laser line shooting across the track. Even though the start/finish line is painted this way and it looked like Chris Buescher got there first. The start/finish line itself doesn’t matter because it’s the same technology that they use for the Kentucky Derby.” So, how does Dale Earnhardt Jr. fit into all of this? Dale Earnhardt Jr. calls up Jeff Gluck As Gluck recalled the finish and controversy, he also remembered waiting in the media center. Everyone was eager to see who had won, then there was a wait until Kyle Larson made it to his press conference. “So, I was sitting in the media center afterwards waiting for the winner to come in. I’m like refreshing Twitter and people are like, ‘the start/finish line is crooked.’ I was ignoring it,” Gluck continued. “My feed was just being filled. So, then I look down and my phone’s ringing, it’s Dale Jr. So, I pick it up, and he’s like, ‘Hey is the start/finish line crooked or not, can you just send me a picture?’ I walk about there and I’m like, I’m just going to go check this out. “At the same time, NASCAR is walking down from the tower. Jesse Little and Amanda Ellis from NASCAR PR. Jesse’s like, ‘Alright, I know exactly how this works, let me explain this.’ So he walked me through the entire thing. I made a video, here’s exactly what it is.” Dale Earnhardt Jr. is just like the rest of us. Just a fan at heart. A fan who also has a lot of great connections and can request photos from the track whenever he feels like it. The line ended up not mattering, and Larson was the winner as was originally declared. This article first appeared on 5 GOATs and was syndicated with permission.
NEW YORK (AP) — Top-ranked chess player Magnus Carlsen is headed back to the World Blitz Championship on Monday after its governing body agreed to loosen a dress code that got him fined and denied a late-round game in another tournament for refusing to change out of jeans . Lamenting the contretemps, International Chess Federation President Arkady Dvorkovich said in a statement Sunday that he’d let World Blitz Championship tournament officials consider allowing “appropriate jeans” with a jacket, and other “elegant minor deviations” from the dress code. He said Carlsen’s stand — which culminated in his quitting the tournament Friday — highlighted a need for more discussion “to ensure that our rules and their application reflect the evolving nature of chess as a global and accessible sport.” Carlsen, meanwhile, said in a video posted Sunday on social media that he would play — and wear jeans — in the World Blitz Championship when it begins Monday. “I think the situation was badly mishandled on their side,” the 34-year-old Norwegian grandmaster said. But he added that he loves playing blitz — a fast-paced form of chess — and wanted fans to be able to watch, and that he was encouraged by his discussions with the federation after Friday’s showdown. “I think we sort of all want the same thing,” he suggested in the video on his Take Take Take chess app’s YouTube channel. “We want the players to be comfortable, sure, but also relatively presentable.” The events began when Carlsen wore jeans and a sportcoat Friday to the Rapid World Championship, which is separate from but held in conjunction with the blitz event. The chess federation said Friday that longstanding rules prohibit jeans at those tournaments, and players are lodged nearby to make sartorial switch-ups easy if needed. An official fined Carlsen $200 and asked him to change pants, but he refused and wasn’t paired for a ninth-round game, the federation said at the time. The organization noted that another grandmaster, Ian Nepomniachtchi, was fined earlier in the day for wearing sports shoes, changed and continued to play. Carlsen has said that he offered to wear something else the next day, but officials were unyielding. He said “it became a bit of a matter of principle,” so he quit the rapid and blitz championships. In the video posted Sunday, he questioned whether he had indeed broken a rule and said changing clothes would have needlessly interrupted his concentration between games. He called the punishment “unbelievably harsh.” Other news outlets have retreated behind paywalls. At HuffPost, we believe journalism should be free for everyone. Would you help us provide essential information to our readers during this critical time? We can't do it without you. Can't afford to contribute? Support HuffPost by creating a free account and log in while you read. You've supported HuffPost before, and we'll be honest — we could use your help again . We view our mission to provide free, fair news as critically important in this crucial moment, and we can't do it without you. Whether you give once or many more times, we appreciate your contribution to keeping our journalism free for all. You've supported HuffPost before, and we'll be honest — we could use your help again . We view our mission to provide free, fair news as critically important in this crucial moment, and we can't do it without you. Whether you give just one more time or sign up again to contribute regularly, we appreciate you playing a part in keeping our journalism free for all. Already contributed? Log in to hide these messages. “Of course, I could have changed. Obviously, I didn’t want to,” he said, and “I stand by that.” Related From Our PartnerJaipur: A six-member committee formed by JMC-G to probe the incident of ten students fainting at a coaching centre in Gopalpura on Dec 15 has said in its report that the exact cause of the incident could not be determined. The report released on Monday also said no evidence of negligence or suspicious activity was found at the coaching centre. The building of the coaching centre was sealed by JMC-G a day after the incident, and an FSL team had taken water samples from there. The probe committee's report said the sewage system around the coaching centre is in proper condition. The fire NOC for the coaching centre was found valid, and the building has all necessary fire safety measures in place, said the report. CCTV footage of the incident also did not show any suspicious activity, and no evidence of electrical short circuits or faulty equipment was also found, said the probe report. The cause of the gas-like odour could not be identified, and the panel said it could possibly be due to a large number of students being in the classroom. The incident occurred on the second floor of the building, where no foul odour related to the sewage line, electrical short circuits, or any other suspicious material was found. Stay updated with the latest news on Times of India . Don't miss daily games like Crossword , Sudoku , Location Guesser and Mini Crossword .
LeBron James at 40: A milestone birthday arrives Monday for the NBA's all-time scoring leader When LeBron James broke another NBA record earlier this month, the one for most regular-season minutes played in a career, his Los Angeles Lakers teammates handled the moment in typical locker room fashion. They made fun of him. Dubbed The Kid from Akron, with a limitless future, James is now the 40-year-old from Los Angeles with wisps of gray in his beard, his milestone birthday coming Monday, one that will make him the first player in NBA history to play in his teens, 20s, 30s and 40s. He has stood and excelled in the spotlight his entire career. 'Sonic 3' and 'Mufasa' battle for No. 1 at the holiday box office Two family films are dominating the holiday box office, with “Sonic the Hedgehog 3” winning the three-day weekend over “Mufasa” by a blue hair. According to studio estimates Sunday, the Sonic movie earned $38 million, while “Mufasa” brought in $37.1 million from theaters in the U.S. and Canada. The R-rated horror “Nosferatu” placed third with an unexpectedly strong $21.2 million. Thanksgiving release holdovers “Wicked” and “Moana 2” rounded out the top five. Christmas Day had several big film openings, including the Bob Dylan biopic “A Complete Unknown,” the Nicole Kidman erotic drama “Babygirl” and the boxing drama “The Fire Inside.” Belgium will ban sales of disposable e-cigarettes in a first for the EU BRUSSELS (AP) — Belgium will ban the sale of disposable electronic cigarettes as of Jan. 1 on health and environmental grounds in a groundbreaking move for European Union nations. Health minister Frank Vandenbroucke tells The Associated Press that the inexpensive e-cigarettes have turned into a health threat since they are an easy way for teenagers to be drawn into smoking and get hooked on nicotine. Australia outlawed the sale of “vapes” outside pharmacies earlier this year in some of the world’s toughest restrictions on electronic cigarettes. Now Belgium is leading the EU drive. Belgium's minister wants tougher tobacco measures in the 27-nation bloc. Charles Dolan, HBO and Cablevision founder, dies at 98 Charles F. Dolan, who founded some of the most prominent U.S. media companies including Home Box Office Inc. and Cablevision Systems Corp., has died at age 98. Newsday reports that a statement issued Saturday by his family says Dolan died of natural causes. Dolan’s legacy in cable broadcasting includes founding HBO in 1972, Cablevision in 1973 and the American Movie Classics television station in 1984. He also launched News 12 in New York City, the first U.S. 24-hour cable channel for local news. Dolan also held controlling stakes in companies that owned Madison Square Garden, Radio City Music Hall, the New York Knicks and the New York Rangers. Snoop's game: Snoop Dogg thrills the crowd in the bowl that bears his name TUCSON, Ariz. (AP) — Miami of Ohio beat Colorado State in the Arizona Bowl, but Snoop Dogg was the main attraction. The Snoop Dogg Arizona Bowl presented by Gin & Juice by Dre and Snoop was much a spectacle as a football game. Snoop Dogg seemed to be everywhere all at once, from a pregame tailgate to the postgame trophy presentation. Snoop Dog donned a headset on Colorado State's sideline, spent some time in the broadcast and even led both marching bands as conductor during their halftime performance. Snoop Dogg saved the best for last, rolling out in a light green, lowrider Chevy Impala with gold rims and accents, the shiny Arizona Bowl trophy in his hand as fans screamed his name. Mavs star Luka Doncic is latest pro athlete whose home was burglarized, business manager says DALLAS (AP) — Luka Doncic of the Dallas Mavericks is the latest professional athlete whose home has been burglarized. The star guard’s business manager tells multiple media outlets there was a break-in at Doncic’s home Friday night. Lara Beth Seager says nobody was home, and Doncic filed a police report. The Dallas Morning News reports that jewelry valued at about $30,000 was stolen. Doncic is the sixth known pro athlete in the U.S. whose home was burglarized since October. Star NFL quarterbacks Patrick Mahomes of Kansas City and Joe Burrow of Cincinnati are among them. The NFL and NBA have issued security alerts to players over the break-ins. Victor Wembanyama plays 1-on-1 chess with fans in New York Victor Wembanyama went to a park in New York City and played 1-on-1 with fans on Saturday. He even lost a couple of games. Not in basketball, though. Wemby was playing chess. Before the San Antonio Spurs left New York for a flight to Minnesota, Wembanyama put out the call on social media: “Who wants to meet me at the SW corner of Washington Square park to play chess? Im there,” Wembanyama wrote. It was 9:36 a.m. And people began showing up almost immediately. Norwegian chess grandmaster Magnus Carlsen quits a tournament in a dispute over jeans NEW YORK (AP) — The International Chess Federation says top ranked player Magnus Carlsen has left the World Rapid and Blitz Chess Championships after refusing to change out of the jeans he wore to the competition. The federation said Friday that its regulations include a dress code that bars participants from wearing jeans at the event. The Norwegian chess grandmaster says he accepted a $200 fine but refused to change his pants out of principle before leaving the competition in New York. The federation said the dress code is designed to ensure professionalism and fairness for all participants. Trailblazing model Dayle Haddon dies from suspected carbon monoxide poisoning NEW HOPE, Pa. (AP) — A trailblazing former “Sports Illustrated” model who pushed back against age discrimination has died in a Pennsylvania home from what authorities believe was carbon monoxide poisoning. Authorities in Bucks County found 76-year-old Dayle Haddon, dead in a second-floor bedroom Friday morning after emergency dispatchers were notified about a person unconscious at the Solebury Township home. A 76-year-old man who was also in the home was hospitalized in critical condition. As a model, Haddon appeared on dozens of magazine coverage in the 1970s and 1980s. She then reentered the industry in the 1990s after landing contracts with cosmetic companies to promote their anti-aging products. 2 Oregon men die from exposure in a forest after they went out to look for Sasquatch STEVENSON, Wash. (AP) — Officials say two Oregon men have died in a Washington state forest after they failed to return from a trip to look for Sasquatch. The Skamania County Sheriff’s Office says the 59-year-old and 37-year-old appear to have died from exposure. The sheriff's office says it based that conclusion on the weather and their lack of preparedness. Both men were from Portland. They were found in a heavily wooded area of the Gifford Pinchot National Forest northeast of that city. Family reported them missing after they failed to return from a Christmas Eve outing. Sasquatch is a folkloric beast thought by some to roam the forests, particularly in the Pacific Northwest.William Raveis Expands to The Hamptons and North Fork Long Island in Strategic Partnership with Town & Country Real Estate
An online spat between factions of Donald Trump's supporters over immigration and the tech industry has thrown internal divisions in his political movement into public display, previewing the fissures and contradictory views his coalition could bring to the White House. The rift laid bare the tensions between the newest flank of Trump's movement — wealthy members of the tech world including billionaire Elon Musk and fellow entrepreneur Vivek Ramaswamy and their call for more highly skilled workers in their industry — and people in Trump's Make America Great Again base who championed his hardline immigration policies. The debate touched off this week when Laura Loomer, a right-wing provocateur with a history of racist and conspiratorial comments, criticized Trump’s selection of Sriram Krishnan as an adviser on artificial intelligence policy in his coming administration. Krishnan favors the ability to bring more skilled immigrants into the U.S. Loomer declared the stance to be “not America First policy” and said the tech executives who have aligned themselves with Trump were doing so to enrich themselves. Much of the debate played out on the social media network X, which Musk owns. Loomer's comments sparked a back-and-forth with venture capitalist and former PayPal executive David Sacks, whom Trump has tapped to be the “White House A.I. & Crypto Czar." Musk and Ramaswamy, whom Trump has tasked with finding ways to cut the federal government, weighed in, defending the tech industry's need to bring in foreign workers. It bloomed into a larger debate with more figures from the hard-right weighing in about the need to hire U.S. workers, whether values in American culture can produce the best engineers, free speech on the internet, the newfound influence tech figures have in Trump's world and what his political movement stands for. Trump has not yet weighed in on the rift. His presidential transition team did not respond to questions about positions on visas for highly skilled workers or the debate between his supporters online. Instead, his team instead sent a link to a post on X by longtime adviser and immigration hard-liner Stephen Miller that was a transcript of a speech Trump gave in 2020 at Mount Rushmore in which he praised figures and moments from American history. Musk, the world's richest man who has grown remarkably close to the president-elect, was a central figure in the debate, not only for his stature in Trump's movement but his stance on the tech industry's hiring of foreign workers. Technology companies say H-1B visas for skilled workers, used by software engineers and others in the tech industry, are critical for hard-to-fill positions. But critics have said they undercut U.S. citizens who could take those jobs. Some on the right have called for the program to be eliminated, not expanded. Born in South Africa, Musk was once on an a H-1B visa himself and defended the industry's need to bring in foreign workers. “There is a permanent shortage of excellent engineering talent," he said in a post. “It is the fundamental limiting factor in Silicon Valley.” Trump's own positions over the years have reflected the divide in his movement. His tough immigration policies, including his pledge for a mass deportation, were central to his winning presidential campaign. He has focused on immigrants who come into the U.S. illegally but he has also sought curbs on legal immigration, including family-based visas. As a presidential candidate in 2016, Trump called the H-1B visa program “very bad” and “unfair” for U.S. workers. After he became president, Trump in 2017 issued a “Buy American and Hire American” executive order, which directed Cabinet members to suggest changes to ensure H-1B visas were awarded to the highest-paid or most-skilled applicants to protect American workers. Trump's businesses, however, have hired foreign workers, including waiters and cooks at his Mar-a-Lago club, and his social media company behind his Truth Social app has used the the H-1B program for highly skilled workers. During his 2024 campaign for president, as he made immigration his signature issue, Trump said immigrants in the country illegally are “poisoning the blood of our country" and promised to carry out the largest deportation operation in U.S. history. But in a sharp departure from his usual alarmist message around immigration generally, Trump told a podcast this year that he wants to give automatic green cards to foreign students who graduate from U.S. colleges. “I think you should get automatically, as part of your diploma, a green card to be able to stay in this country," he told the “All-In" podcast with people from the venture capital and technology world. Those comments came on the cusp of Trump's budding alliance with tech industry figures, but he did not make the idea a regular part of his campaign message or detail any plans to pursue such changes.
Trump asks Supreme Court to delay TikTok ban so he can weigh in after he takes office
Auto, IT drag India's benchmark indexes lower
The cutting-edge semi-trucks are part of Saia's commitment to sustainability and innovation in logistics. JOHNS CREEK, Ga., Dec. 18, 2024 (GLOBE NEWSWIRE) -- Saia Inc. (NASDAQ: SAIA) announced that Saia LTL Freight has partnered with Tesla to introduce two of the company's first Tesla Semi trucks to its fleet. As Saia celebrates its 100th anniversary, this collaboration signifies not just a milestone in the carrier's history but also a bold commitment to the future, exploring the latest technology to better serve its customers. The partnership represents another step forward in sustainable transportation as Saia becomes one of the early testers of Tesla's state-of-the-art electric semi-trucks. The Tesla Semi brings unparalleled innovation to the logistics industry, reinforcing Saia's role as a trailblazer for the future of freight transportation. "Our partnership with Tesla underscores our dedication to evolution while staying true to the values that have guided us for the past century,” said Executive Vice President of Operations Patrick Sugar. "As we celebrate 100 years of Saia, we're focused on building a sustainable and innovative foundation for the next century.” Since its founding in 1924, Saia has been at the forefront of delivering excellence in transportation. The introduction of the Tesla Semi into Saia's fleet reflects not only the company's forward-thinking strategy but also its dedication to sustainability and meeting the evolving needs of customers. This collaboration aligns seamlessly with the company's mission to provide top-tier service while minimizing its environmental footprint. "This collaboration enhances our operational capabilities and exemplifies how Saia is positioning itself for a future where innovation and sustainability drive success,” added Sugar. During a demonstration period held earlier this year, Saia rigorously tested the Tesla Semi in its operations with the tractor evaluated on its range, payload capacity, grade performance, and driver comfort. "We were very impressed with the Tesla Semi as it demonstrated an ability to handle both local and longer haul applications while still delivering notable power and efficiency. During a demonstration earlier this year, we achieved 1.73 kWh per mile,” said Sugar. "Our drivers were equally impressed, noting the smooth acceleration, comfortable design, and its ability to maintain speeds on steep inclines, even while hauling heavy payloads. This feedback underscores the enormous potential of the Tesla Semi.” As Saia celebrates its centennial year, the partnership is another tangible example of how the carrier is working to reduce its carbon footprint by reducing emissions and improving tractor mileage as it seeks to be a good steward of the environment and conduct its operations in a responsible manner. By embracing innovative technology, Saia is setting a new standard for sustainability in logistics and reaffirming its role as a leader in the industry. About Saia, Inc. Saia Inc. (NASDAQ: SAIA) offers customers a wide range of less-than-truckload, non-asset truckload, expedited, and logistics services. With headquarters in Johns Creek, Georgia, Saia LTL Freight operates over 214 terminals across the country and employs more than 15,000 people. Recognized by the American Trucking Associations Safety Management Council for its outstanding safety record and by the Environmental Protection Agency's SmartWay program for its efforts to reduce its environmental impact, Saia is also a multi-year recipient of Women In Trucking's "Top Companies for Women to Work for in Transportation.” For more information on Saia Inc., visit . For more information, contact: Jeannie S. Jump Senior Marketing and Corporate Affairs Specialist Phone: 770-232-4069 Email: [email protected]
Former Prime Minister of India and Congress leader Dr Manmohan Singh passed away at the All India Institute of Medical Sciences (AIIMS), Delhi, on Thursday, 26 December. He was 92. Dr Manmohan Singh served as the prime minister of India for a decade from 2004 to 2024, and is often described as one of India's most successful fiinance ministers. In its note, AIIMS said that he lost consciousness on the evening of 26 December and resuscitative measures were started at home. He was brought to AIIMS at 8:06 pm, where he passed away at 9.50 pm, the hospital said. Earlier on Thursday, Congress leaders including Rahul Gandhi, Priyanka Gandhi, and Mallikarjun Kharge arrived at AIIMS after he was hospitalised in a critical condition. Following the news of his demise, Union Health Minister and Bharatiya Janata Party (BJP) leader JP Nadda also reached AIIMS. ADVERTISEMENT REMOVE AD Condolences Pour in Condolences poured in from across political parties after the news of his passing was confirmed by Congress leader Dr Salman Khurshid on X. "Deeply saddened by the passing of Dr. Manmohan Singh, former Prime Minister of India. His contributions to the nation and his dedication to public service will always be remembered. My heartfelt condolences to his family and loved ones," he posted. Talking to the media, Congress MP Shashi Tharoor said that he remembers Singh as "a good leader, compassionate man, and a great visionary." "The country will be grateful to you Sir. History will always be filled with your contributions. A great national worker has left us today on the final journey of his life. Words are not enough to describe his personality, contribution and service to the nation. The demise of former Prime Minister Dr Manmohan Singh is a big loss. May his soul rest in peace," former Chhattisgarh CM Bhupesh Baghel posted on X . (At The Quint, we question everything. Play an active role in shaping our journalism by becoming a member today.) Read Latest News and Breaking News at The Quint, browse for more from news and politics Topics: Manmohan Singh Dr Manmohan Singh
DEIR AL-BALAH, Gaza Strip — Israeli troops stormed one of the last hospitals operating in northern Gaza on Friday, forcing many staff and patients outside to strip in winter weather , the territory’s health ministry said. The army denied claims it had entered or set fire to the complex and accused Hamas of using the facility for cover. Kamal Adwan Hospital has been hit multiple times over the past three months by Israeli troops waging an offensive against Hamas fighters in surrounding neighborhoods, according to staff. The ministry said a strike on the hospital a day earlier killed five medical staff. Israel's military said it was conducting operations against Hamas infrastructure and militants in the area and had ordered people out of the hospital, but said it had not entered the complex as of Friday night. It repeated claims that Hamas militants operate inside Kamal Adwan but provided no evidence. Hospital officials have denied that. The Health Ministry said troops forced medical personnel and patients to assemble in the yard and remove their clothes. Some were led to an unknown location, while some patients were sent to the nearby Indonesian Hospital, which was knocked out of operation after an Israel raid this week. Israeli troops during raids frequently carry out mass detentions, stripping men to their underwear for questioning in what the military says is a security measure as they search for Hamas fighters. The Associated Press doesn’t have access to Kamal Adwan, but armed plainclothes members of the Hamas-led police forces have been seen in other hospitals, maintaining security but also controlling access to parts of the facilities. The Health Ministry said Israeli troops also set fires in several parts of Kamal Adwan, including the lab and surgery department. It said 25 patients and 60 health workers remained in the hospital. The account could not be independently confirmed, and attempts to reach hospital staff were unsuccessful. “Fire is ablaze everywhere in the hospital,” an unidentified staff member said in an audio message posted on social media accounts of hospital director Hossam Abu Safiya. The staffer said some evacuated patients had been unhooked from oxygen. “There are currently patients who could die at any moment,” she said. Lt. Col. Nadav Shoshani, an Israeli military spokesman, denied the accusations. “While IDF troops were not in the hospital, a small fire broke out in an empty building inside the hospital that is under control,” he said Friday night. He said a preliminary investigation found “no connection” between military activity and the fire. The Israeli military heavily restricts the movements of Palestinians in Gaza and has barred foreign journalists from entering the territory throughout the war, making it difficult to verify information. “These actions put the lives of all of these people in even more danger than what they faced before,” U.N. spokesperson Stephanie Tremblay told journalists, and noted colleagues' reports of “significant damage” to the hospital. It should be protected as international law requires, she added. Since October, Israel’s offensive has virtually sealed off the northern Gaza areas of Jabaliya, Beit Hanoun and Beit Lahiya and leveled large parts of them. Tens of thousands of Palestinians were forced out but thousands are believed to remain in the area, where Kamal Adwan and two other hospitals are located. Troops raided Kamal Adwan in October, and on Tuesday troops stormed and evacuated the Indonesian Hospital. The area has been cut off from food and other aid for months , raising fears of famine . The United Nations says Israeli troops allowed just four humanitarian deliveries to the area from Dec. 1 to Dec. 23. The Israeli rights group Physicians for Human Rights-Israel this week petitioned Israel’s High Court of Justice, seeking a halt to military attacks on Kamal Adwan. It warned that forcibly evacuating the hospital would “abandon thousands of residents in northern Gaza.” Before the latest deaths Thursday, the group documented five other staffers killed by Israeli fire since October. Israel launched its campaign in Gaza vowing to destroy Hamas after the group’s Oct. 7, 2023, attack on southern Israel in which militants killed around 1,200 people and abducted some 250 others. Around 100 Israelis remain captive in Gaza, around a third believed to be dead. Israel’s nearly 15-month-old campaign of bombardment and offensives has devastated the territory’s health sector. A year ago, it carried out raids on hospitals in northern Gaza, including Kamal Adwan, Indonesian and al-Awda Hospital, saying they served as bases for Hamas, though it presented little evidence. Israel’s campaign has killed more than 45,400 Palestinians, more than half women and children, and wounded more than 108,000 others, according to the Health Ministry. Its count does not distinguish between civilians and combatants. More than 90% of Gaza’s 2.3 million Palestinians have been driven from their homes, most now sheltering in sprawling tent camps in south and central Gaza. Children and adults, many barefoot, huddled Friday on the cold sand in tents whose plastic and cloth sheets whipped in the wind. Overnight temperatures can dip into the 40s Fahrenheit, and sea spray from the Mediterranean can dampen tents just steps away. "I swear to God, their mother and I cover ourselves with one blanket and we cover (their five children) with three blankets that we got from neighbors. Sea waters drowned everything that was ours,” said Muhammad al-Sous, displaced from Beit Lahiya in the north. The children collect plastic bottles to make fires, and pile under the blankets when their only set of clothes is washed and dried in the wind. At least three babies in Gaza have died from exposure to cold in recent days , doctors there have said, and the Health Ministry said an adult — a nurse who worked at the European Hospital — also died this week.A lead organization monitoring for food crises around the world withdrew a new report this week warning of imminent famine in north Gaza under what it called Israel's “near-total blockade,” after the U.S. asked for its retraction, U.S. officials told The Associated Press. The move follows public criticism of the report from the U.S. ambassador to Israel. The rare public challenge from the Biden administration of the work of the U.S.-funded Famine Early Warning System, which is meant to reflect the data-driven analysis of unbiased experts, drew accusations from aid and human-rights figures of possible U.S. political interference. A finding of famine would be a public rebuke of Israel, which has insisted that its 15-month war in Gaza is aimed against the Hamas militant group and not against its civilian population. > 24/7 San Diego news stream: Watch NBC 7 free wherever you are U.S. ambassador to Israel Jacob Lew earlier this week called the warning by the internationally recognized group inaccurate and “irresponsible." Lew and the U.S. Agency for International Development, which funds the monitoring group, both said the findings failed to properly account for rapidly changing circumstances in north Gaza. Humanitarian and human rights officials expressed fear of U.S. political interference in the world's monitoring system for famines. The U.S. Embassy in Israel and the State Department declined comment. FEWS officials did not respond to questions. “We work day and night with the U.N. and our Israeli partners to meet humanitarian needs — which are great — and relying on inaccurate data is irresponsible,” Lew said Tuesday. USAID confirmed to the AP that it had asked the famine-monitoring organization to withdraw its stepped-up warning issued in a report dated Monday. The report did not appear among the top updates on the group's website Thursday, but the link to it remained active. The dispute points in part to the difficulty of assessing the extent of starvation in largely isolated northern Gaza. Thousands in recent weeks have fled an intensified Israeli military crackdown that aid groups say has allowed delivery of only a dozen trucks of food and water since roughly October. U.S. & World Judge says woman accusing Jay-Z, Sean ‘Diddy' Combs of raping her at age 13 can proceed anonymously FDA proposes standardized testing to detect asbestos in talc cosmetics FEWS Net said in its withdrawn report that unless Israel changes its policy, it expects the number of people dying of starvation and related ailments in north Gaza to reach between two and 15 per day sometime between January and March. The internationally recognized mortality threshold for famine is two or more deaths a day per 10,000 people. FEWS was created by the U.S. development agency in the 1980s and is still funded by it. But it is intended to provide independent, neutral and data-driven assessments of hunger crises, including in war zones. Its findings help guide decisions on aid by the U.S. and other governments and agencies around the world. A spokesman for Israel's foreign ministry, Oren Marmorstein, welcomed the U.S. ambassador's public challenge of the famine warning. “FEWS NET - Stop spreading these lies!” Marmorstein said on X. In challenging the findings publicly, the U.S. ambassador "leveraged his political power to undermine the work of this expert agency,” said Scott Paul, a senior manager at the Oxfam America humanitarian nonprofit. Paul stressed that he was not weighing in on the accuracy of the data or methodology of the report. “The whole point of creating FEWS is to have a group of experts make assessments about imminent famine that are untainted by political considerations,” said Kenneth Roth, former executive director of Human Rights Watch and now a visiting professor in international affairs at Princeton University. “It sure looks like USAID is allowing political considerations -- the Biden administration’s worry about funding Israel’s starvation strategy -- to interfere." Israel says it has been operating in recent months against Hamas militants still active in northern Gaza. It says the vast majority of the area’s residents have fled and relocated to Gaza City, where most aid destined for the north is delivered. But some critics, including a former defense minister, have accused Israel of carrying out ethnic cleansing in Gaza’s far north, near the Israeli border. North Gaza has been one of the areas hardest-hit by fighting and Israel’s restrictions on aid throughout its war with Hamas militants. Global famine monitors and U.N. and U.S. officials have warned repeatedly of the imminent risk of malnutrition and deaths from starvation hitting famine levels. International officials say Israel last summer increased the amount of aid it was admitting there, under U.S. pressure. The U.S. and U.N. have said Gaza’s people as a whole need between 350 and 500 trucks a day of food and other vital needs. But the U.N. and aid groups say Israel recently has again blocked almost all aid to that part of Gaza. Cindy McCain, the American head of the U.N. World Food Program, called earlier this month for political pressure to get food flowing to Palestinians there. Israel says it places no restrictions on aid entering Gaza and that hundreds of truckloads of goods are piled up at Gaza’s crossings and accused international aid agencies of failing to deliver the supplies. The U.N. and other aid groups say Israeli restrictions, ongoing combat, looting and insufficient security by Israeli troops make it impossible to deliver aid effectively. Lew, the U.S. ambassador, said the famine warning was based on “outdated and inaccurate” data. He pointed to uncertainty over how many of the 65,000-75,000 people remaining in northern Gaza had fled in recent weeks, saying that skewed the findings. FEWS said in its report that its famine assessment holds even if as few as 10,000 people remain. USAID in its statement to AP said it had reviewed the report before it became public, and noted “discrepancies” in population estimates and some other data. The U.S. agency had asked the famine warning group to address those uncertainties and be clear in its final report to reflect how those uncertainties affected its predictions of famine, it said. “This was relayed before Ambassador Lew’s statement,” USAID said in a statement. “FEWS NET did not resolve any of these concerns and published in spite of these technical comments and a request for substantive engagement before publication. As such, USAID asked to retract the report.” Roth criticized the U.S. challenge of the report in light of the gravity of the crisis there. “This quibbling over the number of people desperate for food seems a politicized diversion from the fact that the Israeli government is blocking virtually all food from getting in,” he said, adding that “the Biden administration seems to be closing its eyes to that reality, but putting its head in the sand won’t feed anyone.” The U.S., Israel’s main backer, provided a record amount of military support in the first year of the war. At the same time, the Biden administration repeatedly urged Israel to allow more access to aid deliveries in Gaza overall, and warned that failing to do so could trigger U.S. restrictions on military support. The administration recently said Israel was making improvements and declined to carry out its threat of restrictions. Military support for Israel’s war in Gaza is politically charged in the U.S., with Republicans and some Democrats staunchly opposed any effort to limit U.S. support over the suffering of Palestinian civilians trapped in the conflict. The Biden administration’s reluctance to do more to press Israel for improved treatment of civilians undercut support for Democrats in last month’s elections. ___ Sam Mednick and Josef Federman in Jerusalem contributed to this report.
NoneThe Washington Commanders are searching for their 11th win of the season against the Atlanta Falcons. Though the team is playing some good football on Sunday, they will now continue the game without starting center Tyler Biadasz. More news: Jets Officially Replace Aaron Rodgers at Quarterback During Bills Blowout UPDATE: C Tyler Biadasz has an ankle injury. His return is questionable. More details to come. #RaiseHail #RiseUp #NFL #WashingtonInformer #NFLPrimetime #NFLonNBC #ATLvsWAS #nflfootball #SNFonNBC #SNFootball Biadasz was rolled on during a block, and his leg was trapped under a defender on the Atlanta Falcons. Following the play, he was on the ground for some time grimacing in pain. Biadasz was able to walk off the field, but he had a noticeable limp. Following a stint in the blue medical tent, he was immediately taken to the locker room for further evaluation. Losing Biadasz for the game is going to impact the offensive line strength for the Commanders. He has been solid in 2024, and now quarterback Jayden Daniels is down a starter that is key in protecting him. The Falcons' defense has been all over Daniels so far, securing two sacks so far on Sunday Night Football. C Tyler Biadasz (ankle) is questionable to return Per the Commanders' official X account, Biadasz is questionable to return to the game with an ankle injury. A camera cut showed the center being placed in the blue medical tent, and he was slamming his helmet on the table in clear frustration. Usually, when a player is showing that level of frustration, they know that the injury they suffered is significant. That is not always the case, but it does happen quite often. The hope is that Biadasz only suffered a minor injury. Even if Biadasz suffered a minor injury, he might not suit up for Week 18. This would be detrimental if the Commanders were still searching for a playoff spot. The easiest way to achieve a postseason berth is by winning on Sunday. At the time of this writing, the Commanders are losing to the Falcons 17-7. With Biadasz out, Washington will have Michae Deiter in for Biadasz. Deiter is a proven veteran but is still a backup. More news: NFL News: AFC Playoff Picture Gets More Complicated With Dolphins Win Daniels has been under duress in the game and has not been able to sling the ball in the same manner that he usually does in games. Through the first half of the game, he has thrown 92 yards, one touchdown, and one interception. The Commanders will need to tighten things up if they are going to get past the Falcons and lock up a playoff spot. Should Washington win, it will also lock up the NFC West for the Los Angeles Rams. For more on the Commanders, head to Newsweek Sports .None